Page 65 of Secrets and Kisses

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“I know. You’re a very good boy.” That seemed to give him the push he needed not to dive right in, and he waited while I piled up the pieces of his nest by the couch and got his binkie out of the diaper bag by the chair.

“How did you get my little bag, Daddy?” That question seemed to be about his diaper bag, so I shrugged.

“Daddy is sneaky.” I’d actually made a second bag to leave at his house and had dropped it off on a break earlier, but magic and silliness were more fun than telling him I’d left it on the side of his porch. “And Daddy’s a dragon and dragons are magic.”

That got a giggle from him and I could see him eyeing the diaper bag with barely disguised curiosity.

“Let’s look at your present first and then I’ll show you what’s in the diaper bag.” Coming over to sit by him, I set the binkie on the table and sat behind him so he could cuddle into me. “Here we go.”

Picking up the bag, I set it in his lap and he dove in without a second thought, vibrating with excitement as he pulled out the first present.

A diaper shirt.

He made a happy sound as he pulled out the shirt and spread it over his lap to read the words on the front. “Cutest Little Reader.”

I’d kept it sweet and simple for his first shirt, not wanting to test out anything too cheeky just yet.

“I thought that was perfect for a little who loves books.” Kissing his cheek when he slowly nodded, I watched as his fingers inched down the fabric until he got to the snaps at the bottom. “They have lots of colors and fun words and patterns. I was looking at one that had teddy bears on it too.”

Stefan was quiet for a few seconds. “I like teddy bears.”

Well, it wasn’t a no, so I kissed his head again. “I’m glad. We can pick out some together.”

He obviously knew what they were, but he kept studying it carefully. “Kenzie wanted a book about a little who wore diapers all the time and his Daddy put him in diaper shirts to make sure no one saw his diaper peeking out of his pants.”

I was glad he was able to talk about what was going on in his head, but I wasn’t sure I knew what he was talking about.

“I know some people who live that part of the lifestyle all the time, but it’s not something I need. What about you?” Doing my best to sound like we were talking about pizza toppings, I made a thinking sound. “I bet Kenzie asked for a lot of very interesting books.”

That had Stefan nodding. “Yes, very interesting, but some of them were more practical than others.”

Oh, good word.

“Yes, but I think being practical in a relationship is important too.” Hoping honesty was the best policy, I pressed forward as he started snapping and releasing the fastenings like they were a new fidget toy. “There are some things I might do during your workday, like bringing you a fun lunch, that might be more Daddy than boyfriend, but I don’t want to interfere with your job or make you uncomfortable.”

Nodding slowly, Stefan let out a breath and snuggled into me. “And I don’t want to end up asking for anything that would make you uncomfortable or get in the way of your job.”


“Is there anything specific you’re thinking about or is that hypothetical?” I couldn’t tell and I wasn’t sure I should start guessing.

“Hypothetical.” His answer came so easily I knew it was the truth. “I’ve just read stuff and I don’t know what I like yet.”

Kissing his head, I shrugged. “Then we try things and honestly evaluate how we felt about them. If we need to tweak it and try again, that’s fine. If we decide it wasn’t for us, that’s fine too.”

“Kenzie’s books said that Doms and subs or Daddies and boys can always find things in common. Our lists already show we have things in common.” His helpful information hinted at what I was supposed to understand, so I did my best.

“That’s right. No one ever has lists that match exactly. The goal is to find enough overlap that we’re both happy and get what we need.” Deciding to try to lighten the mood, I tickled his sides. “Like your Daddy getting enough cuddle time.”

He laughed, squirming and squealing but not trying to get away. “I’ll pee. Stop, Daddy.”

That was not a red but it was an important warning sign, so I did as requested, but I also kissed his cheek and shrugged as he slumped into me. “Then we’d have changed your clothes or put on a diaper. It would’ve been fine. Little boys have accidents.”

Stefan turned his head just far enough to make sure I wasn’t fucking with him before he reached over and grabbed his binkie. When it was safely in his mouth and he knew he wouldn’t have to use words, I finally chuckled.

“I could’ve kept tickling my boy until he was desperate, but if he didn’t safeword, I’d keep going.” Hiding from that seemed like the best idea to Stefan because he brought his new shirt up and hid behind it. “If he had an accident, I’d give him a bath and clean him up carefully. Then he’d get a diaper on so there would be no more accidents.”

He’d gone very still but the shirt came down and he reached for the bag. I took that as a sign we needed to change the subject, but nothing in his behavior said he was more than mildly embarrassed by the idea. “Oh, there’s another surprise in there and then we’ll get ready for book time.”
