Page 29 of Sinful God

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Havoc chuckled as he released me. He didn’t give me much time to recover before he grabbed me again. This time he knocked me to the ground, getting on top of me in the grass. He tried to trap my arms at my sides. I was able to get one free, using it to punch him in the chest. I still couldn’t get him off me though.

“I told you that you needed some work.” Havoc smirked down into my face.

I went to punch him again and he caught my fist. Gritting my teeth, I squirmed beneath him, trying to knock him off me. He wasn’t going anywhere.

A dandelion head bounced off my face. I shot a glare at Gage who’d thrown it.

“Come on, Raina. You fought harder than that when we took you to the woods,” Gage snarked. “Maybe we need to take you back out there. Raise the stakes a little.”

“Screw that shit. Last time was bad enough. I don’t even want to know how you guys would make it worse.” With a surge of irritation, I nailed Havoc in the stomach.

“Fuck,” he groaned before getting off me. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me back to my feet. “Let’s try another move. Knight can get punched in the stomach this time.”

Havoc moved back, motioning for Knight to take his place. As expected, Knight was strong but not as aggressive. He grabbed me around my waist, dragging me across the yard. I was able to get free by jabbing my elbow into his ribs.

“Why are you guys taking it so easy on her?” Gage puffed a plume of smoke in my direction. “This chick is a fighter. Make her fight.”

Knight held out a hand, motioning for Gage to take over. I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to fight Gage in any manner. I bore enough bruises from him already.

“Be my guest,” Havoc said, plucking the joint from Gage’s fingertips.

“I don’t want to fight Gage,” I said, turning toward the house. “I’ve done enough of that lately.”

Gage snickered. He rose from the patio chair and came toward me. “Yeah, it probably won’t end in an orgasm this time. Well, maybe.”

He quickly closed the space between us. Ignoring him, I kept heading toward the house. That didn’t stop him from grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him. My immediate reaction was to shove him away.

Gage let me push him back. It didn’t deter him though. With a facetious wink, he lunged forward and grabbed me by the throat. His grip on my bruised neck hurt. I let out a small yelp. That pissed me off because I refused to show these assholes weakness of any kind.

A surge of anger drove me to bring up a knee. I didn’t care what I hit. Stomach, nuts, it was all good. Too bad Gage dodged the blow. He caught my hand, using it to drag me in close. Then he spun me around so he was behind me. He grabbed my other hand, trapping me against him.

I struggled hard to break free. He held tight. He tried to take me down to the ground but I managed to keep my feet under me. That only made him try harder. He hooked a foot between both of mine and tripped me. I fell hard with him coming down on top of me.

“Fuck you, Gage,” I hissed, my face pressed into the grass.

“Hey, I’m just trying to help. Like Havoc said, you need the work.” Gage tried to roll me over, swearing when I stayed rigid and difficult to move.

“And you need a punch in the goddamn brain,” I shouted into the grass.

Gage’s laughter ignited the fire in my belly. As my temper flared, I couldn’t help but think of what he’d said earlier when I cleaned his wounds. That my fire was the only thing that warmed him these days. Is that why he was such a supreme dick? He got off on my rage. Surely that’s all there was to it.

Gage roughly flipped me over. He had to release my hands to do it. I didn’t want to hit him. He’d taken more than enough abuse today. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t go for an eye jab. He saw it coming and jerked out of reach.

“Trying to blind me, Doll? Damn, that’s dirty. I love it.” Gage caught my hands, wrestling me into submission.

I didn’t submit easily. The more he tried to restrain me, the harder I fought to get free. As decent a fighter as I was, my strength didn’t match his. Which was exactly the point Havoc had wanted to make. If the man who’d been stalking me ever caught me, I may not get out of it alive.

“That’s because you’re a sick fuck.” Instead of fighting, I went limp. Laying there in the grass, I waited for him to get off me.

Once Gage rose, I swept out a foot, tripping him. He never saw it coming, the cocky prick. He went down on his knees, his hands barely catching him in time to prevent a face plant. As I sprang to my feet, I erupted into giggles.

Gage’s ego couldn’t handle that. With one huge shove, he pushed me into the pool. The water engulfed me, sucking me under. Thankfully, it was relatively warm. That didn’t make it any less shocking.

I kicked back to the surface, sucking in a lungful of air. Grasping the side of the pool, I dragged myself out. I was seeing red when I stormed over to Gage. He watched me expectantly, an amused grin on his battered face.

“Why are you such a fucking cunt, Gage?” My enraged shout echoed through the neighborhood. “Because your dad was a cunt too? Or are you just a special breed?”

Unafraid of him now, I got right up in his face, shoving hard against his chest. I clenched a fist, ready to swing and take that minor concussion of his up a level. He jerked back in time for me to only clip him on the jaw.
