Page 30 of Sinful God

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Havoc let out a low whistle. Knight watched in silence as Gage lost his shit.

Grabbing me by my hair, Gage forced me down to my knees. His hazel and blue eyes gleamed in the yard lights. Violence shone within them. If I hadn’t been so damn mad, I’d have been afraid then.

“You don’t know shit about me or my father,” Gage seethed, pulling my hair painfully. “You’re going to learn some boundaries, Raina. Even if I have to force it. Now kiss my fucking feet.”

I gaped at him. Had this jackass lost his mind?

“Screw you,” I said between clenched teeth.

Gage wouldn’t be deterred. “Are you going to make me repeat myself? I’m not letting go until you do it. I can wait all night.”

To emphasize his claim, he gave an extra tug on my hair. Neither Havoc nor Knight said a word. They watched in silence. I hated them both for it.

“You’re deranged. I’m not kissing your feet, you psychopath.” I held his gaze, glaring daggers.

A small, eerie smile crept over Gage’s face. “You’ll do it. You’re not going anywhere until you do. And if you want me to be a psychopath, Raina, I will be. Try me. I fucking dare you.”

Something in his piercing stare promised much worse things if I didn’t give in. My entire being screamed at me to hold out. To not give him what he wanted. How much worse would it get if I didn’t? Did I really want to find out?

Giving in wasn’t in my nature. I held out as long as I could. When it became clear that Gage truly intended to keep me on my knees until I did what he said, I knew that I’d lost this battle.

With a ball of rage rolling inside me, I planted a tiny kiss on his shoe. God, I wanted to kill him.

“Not good enough. Kiss my actual foot.” Gage kicked off his shoe, offering me his socked foot. “Take the sock off first.”

I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to scream my rage. He wiggled his toes at me, shoving his foot in my face.

“You know that you have to sleep sometime.” I ripped off his sock, throwing it over my shoulder into the pool. “I might just kill you after this.”

Gage used his hold on my hair to shove my face down onto his bare foot. “Please try. You know how much I like a good fight. Now hurry up. I have things to do before I crash for the night.”

“I hope that includes saying goodbye to loved ones.” Unable to look up at him because of the way he held my head, I glowered at his disgusting foot.

Closing my eyes, I kissed his foot. Just a peck. Then I furiously wiped my mouth with my hand. “I did it, now let me go.”

“Pretty sure I said both feet.” Gage started to kick off his other shoe.

“Gage.” Havoc’s tone held a note of warning. “That’s enough.”

Gage hesitated a moment before deciding he didn’t want to fight Havoc on it. When he released me, I jumped to my feet and stormed inside. I didn’t glance back at any of them.

That motherfucker would be sorry. I wasn’t going to take this without hitting back. Knowing Gage, that’s exactly what he wanted.



The morning came far too quickly. The last thing I wanted to do was get up and deal with classes. Or anything else for that matter. A day in bed sounded good to me. Since Raina wasn’t in the bed with me, I said fuck it and got up.

She’d slept in Gage’s room again. This time she’d barricaded the door with the dresser and the desk. We’d heard her shoving the furniture into place. Couldn’t say I blamed her. Gage had gone out of his way to degrade and humiliate her. Not to mention the marks he’d left on her.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little envious. I wanted to mark Raina’s body with me. But hey, I could be a decent guy and wait until she’d healed up a bit. At least she still had her sore ass to remind her of me.

After a quick shower and a jerk off session, I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt and headed down to the kitchen. The door to Gage’s room was still closed. The scent of bacon drifted up the stairs, making me quicken my pace.

Knight stood over the stove tossing fresh bacon strips into the frying pan. He glanced up as I entered. “How many pieces of bacon do you want? There’s scrambled eggs too.”

I noticed that he’d also made toast. Although Knight chose to cook often so as not to order out all the time, I knew he’d only made this big breakfast because he felt bad about last night with Raina.
