Page 112 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Big brother’s not the smartest guy in the room.” Elder smiles. “This is fun.”

“Fun!” I explode. “What the hell is fun about my woman being assaulted?”

“Your woman?” Brody cocks a brow. “I thought you dumped her via text?”

“Dude. Beginner mistake. Good thing I’m here to help you with your game.” Riley winks.

“This is not a fucking game. Let me out of here.” I shove Riley but he doesn’t budge.

“Who wants to tell him?” he asks.

“Now what?”

Miller squeezes my shoulder. “Love doesn’t want to see you now.”

“How do you know? Did you ask her? This is bullshit.”

His fingers press into my skin until I still. “It doesn’t take a genius like boy wonder Brody over there to know Love is going to lose her mind when she realizes you broke up with her because you thought you saw her kissing another man when she was actually being assaulted.”

I drop my chin to my chest. Fuck. I shouldn’t have run out on her. I should have protected her. I let the woman I love be assaulted because my pride was hurt. What kind of asshole am I?

“I’ve lost her.”

“You haven’t lost her, but you can’t go rushing after her now without a plan.”

A plan? I can make a plan. I can show Love how much I love her. How much I need her. How sorry I am.

“Any ideas?”

Chapter 36

Don’t forget the wine this time. ~ Message from Moon to Eden

Love Hill

“Thanks for walking me home,” I tell Aspen when we reach my house.

I bite my lip as I stare at my home. I don’t want to go inside. This place used to be my sanctuary, assuming step-witch Priscilla wasn’t home. But now the roof is falling apart and some guy—

I cut those thoughts off. I don’t want to think about Murray. He’s taken up more than enough space in my head today.

“We’re here.”

I whirl around to find Moon, Eden, Harmony, and Soleil bustling toward me.

“Why are you here?”

“We’re your cheerleader squad.” Moon lifts a basket. “I brought snacks.”

Eden holds up two bottles of wine. “I brought the booze.”

Harmony waves the bag she’s carrying. “I brought some movies.”

Soleil rubs her pregnant belly. “And I’m here to make sure everyone behaves.”

Moon rolls her eyes. “When have I ever not behaved?”

Eden giggles. “How about every single second of your adult life?”
