Page 113 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Don’t forget about my earlier escapades.” Moon winks.

I’m more confused than ever. “I still don’t understand why you’re here.”

“I called them,” Aspen says. “You’re welcome.” She waves before jogging down the stairs to the sidewalk.

“Aspen called you. You know about—”

“How Damon dumped you via text?” Harmony scowls. “We know.”

“But we don’t know anything else,” Moon claims. “Nothing at all about why you were at the police station.”

She’s clearly lying, but what does it matter? I shrug before opening the front door and walking into my house. It’s not so scary with four women accompanying me.

I don’t make it two steps inside before Harmony steers me toward the couch in the living room.

“Just relax. We’ll take care of everything.”

“Ha!” Moon shouts from the kitchen where she’s digging around in my drawers. “She means I’ll take care of everything.”

Soleil rubs her belly as she joins me on the couch. “I can’t do anything. I’m pregnant.”

I stare at her hand on her belly and tears well in my eyes. She has everything I’ve ever wanted. A child on the way. A man who loves her.

I will never have those things. I had them – a man I love and a precious girl I wish was my child – but I lost them.

Soleil snaps her fingers. “Tissues. I need tissues.”

I swipe at the tears now coursing down my face. “Why do you need tissues? Are you sick?”

She giggles as Harmony slaps a box of tissues in her hands. “May I?”

She doesn’t wait for my response before she begins wiping the tears from my face. “You can cry as much as you want to.”

Eden hands me a glass of wine. “Personally, I’d be ranting my ass off. How dare Damon break up with you by text? What an asshole.”

Harmony shakes her head. “I can’t believe he didn’t stop that pig contractor from assaulting you.”

So much for not knowing why I was at the police station.

“You know about Murray?” They nod and I begin to furiously explain. “It’s not my fault. I didn’t do anything wrong. I swear. Please believe me. I can’t handle it if everyone doesn’t believe me. It’ll be just like ninth grade. I-I-I…”

Soleil grasps my hand. “Take a deep breath.”

I hold her gaze as I gasp for air.

“Inhale through your nose.” She smiles when I follow her instructions. “Good. Now exhale through your mouth.”

I blow out a breath.

“There you go.”

I cling to her hand. “Please tell me you believe me. I promise I didn’t come onto the contractor. I would never. I love Damon. I’m not a cheater.”

“I believe you,” Moon says as she sets a charcuterie board on the table in front of the couch. She searches for somewhere to sit but shrugs when she notices there isn’t anywhere besides the couch and sits on the floor next to Eden.

I study the room. It’s pretty bare bones. I should probably buy more furniture since I’ll be living here full-time again. But first a new roof. Or, rather, a new contractor to fix the roof.

Eden raises her hand. “I believe you, too.”
