Page 12 of Bragg's Christmas

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Love Hill

“There,” I say as I finish braiding Skye’s hair. “All ready for the party.”

“I’m a princess,” she says as she twists her head back and forth to flick her braids.

“You are.”

Skye is literally the most adorable child to walk the earth. From her blonde curly hair to the freckles covering her face – adorable.

“Thank you, Nanny Love.”

Damon enters the room. My stomach dips and my breath catches. This waiting to seduce him until we move to Winter Falls is harder than I thought. I’m not used to denying myself what I want.

“Are you ready, squirt?”

Skye jumps off the bed and runs to him. “I’m ready, Daddy!” She lifts her arms and he immediately picks her up and twirls her around.

My chest warms as I watch them together. For someone who had a five-year-old dumped on his doorstep a few months ago, he’s taken to fatherhood like it’s his calling. Usually, a single dad is a complete turn off for me but with Damon? Everything he does revs my libido.

“How about you, Nanny Love?” Damon asks.

I frown. I hate him calling me Nanny Love. My name is Love. But no one calls me Love. Not since my daddy passed away.

“Are you ready?” he asks when I don’t respond.

“Me?” I point to myself. “I’m not going to the party.”

“Yes, you are.”

I stand and back away with my hands raised. “I didn’t agree to this.”

Go to a party in Winter Falls where everyone hates me and have Damon learn how reviled I am? I’ll pass.

He frowns. “You agreed to be my nanny and care for my child. I need you to care for my child.”

“But you’ll be with her at the party. It seems a bit ostentatious to bring me as well.”

“My brothers are going to discover I have a child for the first time. I don’t want Skye to be forgotten about while I deal with their bullsh— bologna.”

Fiddlesticks. He’s not wrong. Chaos is going to erupt when Damon confesses the existence of Skye to his brothers and mom.

Damon has four brothers and a half-brother who are all close. If I had had siblings to support me when my shit went down, I would have leaned on them to stop me from feeling all alone. But Damon decided to go it alone and not tell his brothers or his mom about Skye. I don’t get it.

I scowl. “Fine, I’ll go.”

“Yeah!” Skye cheers. “Nanny Love is coming to the party.”

“Are you ready?” Damon asks me.

“I need a minute to prepare Skye’s bag.”

“We’ll wait outside by the car.”

I wait until the door closes behind him before collapsing on the bed. This is bad. No, not bad. Bad isn’t a strong enough word to convey what a shit show this is going to be.

The people of Winter Falls are going to lose their ever-loving minds when they discover I’m the caretaker for Damon’s daughter. I’m going to lose my job. I clutch my chest as fear rolls through me.

I wish I was exaggerating. I admit I’m prone to dramatics but in this case, I’m not being a drama queen. I wouldn’t put it past the people of Winter Falls to call child services to have me banned from being in Skye’s presence. This day sucks.
