Page 29 of Bragg's Christmas

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“I swear, Brody Bragg, you are going to be the death of me.”

While the women gather in the kitchen, my brothers and I go downstairs. Miller seizes the remote control and switches on a football game.

“No football!” Skye says and slaps Miller’s thigh.

My brother stares at her as if she’s an alien.

“Damon, your spawn hit me.”

I snatch the remote from Miller. “Call my daughter spawn again and you’ll wish she was the one hitting you.” I change the channel. “The Thanksgiving Day parade is on.”

Soleil motions to Skye. “Why don’t you come sit next to your Aunt Soleil?”

Skye settles on the sofa next to Soleil. “Why do you have a big belly?”

“There’s a baby in there. Your cousin.”

“Can he come out to play?”

Soleil wraps an arm around Skye and cuddles her near. “You have to wait a few more months before you can play with him.”

I settle in a chair. I ignore all the conversations around me and close my eyes knowing Skye is safe amongst my family. I’m tired. I got up at the butt crack of dawn to work so I could quit early to attend this family dinner.

I’m nearly asleep when my daughter announces, “Daddy. Me thirsty.”

“I’m thirsty. Not me thirsty,” I automatically correct.

“I’m thirsty,” Skye mimics.

I sigh before standing up. “What do you want to drink?”

“Juice box!”

“I don’t know if Grandma has juice boxes, but I’ll look.”

I climb the stairs. Love Hill is alone in the dining room setting the table.

“Where is everyone else?”

She motions toward the kitchen. I frown. Does she have a problem with my family?

“Skye’s thirsty. She wants a juice box. I seriously doubt Mom has juice boxes,” I say as I push open the kitchen door.

“Let me know what kind of juice box and I’ll buy some,” Mom says. “In the meantime, maybe she’ll drink some punch?”

“Hold on. I have some juice boxes in my purse.” Love Hill digs through her purse before offering one to me.

“Can you take it to Skye?” I ask.

“Of course.”

Once she’s gone, I collapse in the chair. I lean back and rest my eyes while the women gossip in the kitchen.

“I can’t believe Damon hired Love Hill of all people to be his nanny,” Moon grumbles.

“Why? What’s wrong with her?” Olivia asks. “Is she a troublemaker?”

Eden snorts. “More like homewrecker.”
