Page 61 of Bragg's Christmas

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I raise my eyebrows. “Why are your lips red?” She shrugs. “And your hands red?” She hides her hands behind her back. “And why is there frosting in your hair?”

Damon chuckles beside me and I elbow him. “What’s so funny?”

He throws an arm around my shoulders and hauls me near. “You thinking you could decorate cookies without making a mess.”

I sigh. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Are you Daddy’s girlfriend, Nanny Love?” Skye asks and I realize how Damon’s holding me.

I shove him away. “No, I’m your nanny.”

“Meadow says you and Daddy are boyfriend and girlfriend.”

I groan. I’m going to kill Mrs. Evans. What is her problem? Why is she trying to turn the entire town against me? Does she not realize no one’s on my side to start with?

“Would it bother you if Nanny Love and I were boyfriend and girlfriend?” Damon asks and I throw daggers out of my eyes at him. He doesn’t even bother to pretend to be affected by my daggers, which I know are lethal.

Skye shrugs. “I want Nanny Love to stay. Not go away like Meadow’s dad did.”

Ah. Things are beginning to make a whole lot of sense now. Someone’s taking her anger about her husband leaving out on me. I recognize the tactic since I perfected it myself years ago. But I don’t want to be the catty woman anymore.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I tell Skye. “You’re stuck with me.”

She rushes toward me – her red frosting covered hands aimed at me – but I hold her at bay. “Someone needs a bath.”

“Can I have a bath in Daddy’s bathroom?”

I point to Damon. “You need to ask your dad.”

She sticks out her bottom lip. “Please, Daddy.”

“Of course, squirt.”

She claps and rushes up the stairs. Before I can chase after her, Damon tags my hand to stop me.

“What’s wrong?”

His gaze dips to my mouth for a second before he clears his throat and releases me. “The towels are in the drawer underneath the sink.”

I’m pretty sure he didn’t stop me to tell me where the towels are, but I let it go. I don’t want to know what he’s thinking. And I certainly don’t want to discuss us being boyfriend and girlfriend. Skye might not have a problem with the concept but I do.

Sure, you do, Love. Sure, you do.

Chapter 21

Does coercion and guilt tripping amount to kidnapping? ~ Love’s question she’s too scaredy-cat to post on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Love Hill

The doorbell rings and I rush to answer it before the sound wakes Skye. Although, she’s probably still awake, the little sneak. But the doorbell will give her an excuse to escape her bedroom. An excuse she doesn’t need.

I open the door to Feather, Petal, Sage, Cayenne, and Clove standing on the porch. My brow wrinkles. What are the gossip gals doing on Damon’s doorstep?

“Can I help you?”

Sage grins. “You certainly can. It’s time to go.”

“Go? Go where?”
