Page 74 of Bragg's Christmas

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He prowls toward me. “I meant never again will you sneak out of my bed.”

He did? He wants a repeat of last night? With me?

I have about a gazillion questions but it doesn’t matter how many questions I have. Now is not the time.

“We don’t have time for this. We have a Christmas party to get to. And there’s a little girl with big ears down the hallway.”

He stops prowling and leans against the kitchen top. All relaxed. “Are you nervous?”

The change of topic has my mind whirling.

“Nervous about what?”

“Spending time with my family.”

I’d managed to conveniently forget his family will be attending the party. Elder’s the only one with a child. The rest of them don’t need to be there.

But this is Winter Falls. When there’s a party – even if it is a kid’s Christmas party – everyone shows up.

“Should I be nervous?”

“My family wasn’t exactly nice to you at Thanksgiving.”

Gee. Thanks for the reminder. I nearly forgot about how his brothers’ girlfriends gossiped about me. Although, they weren’t being catty last night. No, they were almost friendly.

“About them…” I peer down the hall to check if Skye is still preoccupied in the bathroom. “Did you tell your brothers about my past?”

“I would never,” he growls. “I know I haven’t been the best dad and I make mistakes, but I would never reveal your secrets.”

I blow out a breath.


Shit. My relief was premature.

“I think you should tell everyone.”

I rear back. “Tell everyone? Have you lost your mind? Did too many drone kills splinter your brain?”

He grasps my chin and draws me near. “There’s no reason to be ashamed.”

“I’m not ashamed,” I claim even though I can feel my cheeks heat with – you guessed it – shame.

“You’re the victim in this story. Mr. Simon is the one who should be ashamed,” he snarls.

I feel my eyes swell. I blink quickly before the tears can fall. No one’s defended me since my dad. I forgot how fantastic it feels. How it fills your heart with love and—

Love? I don’t love Damon. Even inside my own mind, I can hear the lie in my voice.

Shit.I love Damon. A man who’s my boss. Who I don’t deserve. Whose family hates me.

This is not going to end well for me. No surprise there.

Chapter 25

Gossip gals, Holiday sweaters on! ~ Message from Clove on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Love Hill
