Page 11 of Two Chances

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Heat surged through my blood at the memory of the man.Perfect size.Perfect coloring with his dark hair and eyes.Perfect enticing energy had crackled between us at our meeting outside the courthouse too.

Mason had all but named the obvious connection I’d felt, that instantaneous draw toward the detective when our eyes had met for the first time, but I didn’t believe in soulmates like Mason did.I wasn’t interested in trying for a second chance at love either.

My heart couldn’t handle it.I still hadn’t gotten over my first failed attempt.

Micah joined us, and he confirmed Mason’s moving on from Elite as well as the facts that Joseph, a former Elite client, had indeed been stalking Mason and had abused him.He didn’t share too many details but enough to satisfy those who had befriended our favorite silver fox.

I sipped my beer, glancing around the room.Mason was my closest friend, but the men in Micah’s living room, most of whom ignored the Sox on the massive flatscreen on the wall, were brothers of a sort.Just not Jacob-like brothers.The Elites welcomed me with open arms, but would they have my back if shit hit the fan?If I decided to one day take off for the hills, would they miss me?Even care?

Some might.Mason for sure.

Sudden longing for the farm, my parents, and siblings rolled through me.Attempting to push away the homesickness, I glanced around the room.

I noticed a guy I didn’t recognize sitting in a recliner sans beer, his focus on the game.He didn’t look uncomfortable, but he wasn’t exactly chatting it up with the Elites sitting close by either.

“Who’s that?”I asked, elbowing Micah lightly since he’d fallen silent, and the other former Elites had started chatting about Jarod’s wedding next summer we’d all been invited to.

“Zack Briggs,” Micah answered.“Newest Elite, hired by Sean last week.”

“Not super outgoing, huh?”

Micah shrugged, eyeing the guy.“I gave Sean full control over EEMM, so I didn’t personally interview Zack.He measured up on paper though, and even as a straight guy, I can admit he’s hot.”

“Sean did alright,” I stated.“Looks-wise at least.”

“Time will tell.He’s booked for next weekend, asked for by name, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”

Even though he sat and I could only guess at his height, Zack appeared to be my type.Tall, dark, and handsome—but he couldn’t hold a candle to JJ.


I scrubbed a hand down over my face, letting a slow exhale leak from my lungs.That man entered my brain too damn often for comfort.

“You okay?”Daniel asked, and I turned my focus on the non-jolly red giant on my right.He was a soft-spoken Dom, a lover of shibari and his wife.He studied me with an intense gaze that made me shift on my feet.

“Just…bored,” I admitted, surprising myself with a candid answer when I usually didn’t share personal shit.

“It can get old after a while,” he said quietly as the guys around us continued their storytelling and laughter.“Maybe you ought to come down to Chantelle’s some night you have free.”

Chantelle’s was a kinky person’s dream, an exclusive BDSM club Micah and his wife also frequented.

But getting freaky wasn’t my jam.

“Appreciate the invite, but I’m vanilla as they come.”Not exactly a lie, but I didn’t consider enjoying a little roughness in the sack enough to be a part of the lifestyle Cooney lived.

“Say the word, and I’ll get you an actual invitation,” he said before clasping my shoulder with his beefy paw and moving off toward the food table Micah had set up against the far wall.

“Oh, Kellen!”Sean called, and I rolled my eyes.“Be a sweetie and get me and my boy Drake another beer?”

Huffing a snort, I rounded the bar.

“Don’t let him near your dick,” Micah said, shaking his head at me while I did as asked.“The brat hasn’t had a client in a week.”

I chuckled and twisted the caps off.Elite Escorts weren’t allowed to hook up outside of work—at least, that was what Micah had told Sean to keep his brother from partying too much.“You’re a sadist.”

Micah winked and sipped his beer, and laughing, I moved across the room to hand his little brother and best friend their drinks.
