Page 47 of Two Chances

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Standing on weak, aching knees, I watched him dress, and with every piece of clothing he put on, I stoically replaced the bricks in my wall he’d torn down while loving on my body.Once he finished and turned, I was ready to face him.


His dark eyes roamed over my face quickly, but I could see his mind had already gone elsewhere.He’d moved on from the intense intimacy we’d shared without struggle or hesitation.“I—”

His cum slid down my thigh as his voice cut off.Our gazes locked, and my breath left in a rush, leaving me feeling empty.Depleted oflife.

Don’t go.Don’t do this…don’t fuckingleaveme for him...

I swallowed hard, struggling to keep from begging, pleading for him to not break me like Xavier had.

Same as I’d done to JJ that morning in the hotel, he spun and walked away without another word.

No goodbye.

No see ya later.

No I’m sorry I can’t put you first.

I sank back to the floor and buried my face in my hands while his seed leaked from my sore hole.My insides twisted tighter with every hard-earned inhale.I choked on a sob, rocking in an attempt to keep my stomach from erupting all over the floor around me.

What the fuck had I done allowing another man inside my head?My fucking heart?To be set aside so easily, so damn quickly, still coming down from the high of a lifetime…

My chest ached twice as much as my backside.He’d made mefeelthings.Question shit.Stirred my head up with too much indecision for comfort until I’d given in to the draw of him.I’d been escorting for over two years, and never had a man weaseled deep inside where I’d hidden all the pieces of me I feared to share again.

I’d been ready and willing to lay what was left of my soul at his feet—and he’d walked away.

Abandoned me to agonizing thoughts that had me wondering what the fuck I was doing, who I had become beyond a weapon of revenge, even if what I’d chosen to do wouldn’t actually hurt the man who’d crushed my heart the first time.

Twice bitten.

I’d finally learned my fucking lesson for good.

Teeth gritted tight against the grief wanting to tear from my lungs, I wearily made my way into the bathroom.A hot shower would wash every trace of James Jenner from my abused body.

If only the rest of me could be as easily rid of him as his cum from my ass.



Im beat up shit kicked me.need you.

Alex’s garbled text was alarming as hell, but I was pissed he’d done something that warranted being someone’s punching bag.

Of all the fucking ways he could have ruined the best night of my life.

I cursed up a storm while scampering down the stairwell in Kellen’s building, filled with anger and annoyance when not even an hour earlier I’d been ecstatic with excitement.Concern for my friend had clogged my brain at seeing his worrying text, and I hadn’t been able to find words to quickly explain the situation to the man whose hot hole I’d just filled with spunk.

And lost a piece of my soul to.

The deepest parts of me turned in on itself, a twisted knot, a slew of emotions I couldn’t name atop the concern for my best friend.My attention attempted to go in polar opposite directions, but my brain couldn’t focus outside one step at a time.

Kellen wasn’t aware of Alex’s past, his addiction, or the times I’d helped him try to get clean and how I’d emptied my small savings to pay for his rehab when we were younger.

In that moment, I hated Alex as heartedly as I had ever loved him.

But I could never turn my back on him and leave him floundering on his own.He wouldn’t survive, and I refused to allow those two boys of his to grow up without a father like I’d been forced to do for most of my childhood.Once I had him settled, I would get in touch with Kellen.I just prayed he would give me a chance to explain why I’d abandoned him.
