Page 61 of Two Chances

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The adrenaline from having been woken up intensified, and my mouth dried.

How had he found me?

There was no question as to why.He was either desperate for a good, hard fuck or had words he needed to say that I’d been denying him by taking off to where he couldn’t get in touch with me.

My heart raced at the thought of both, my palms going clammy in a blink.

“Fuck.”I scrubbed a hand over my face and blew out a heavy exhale before I flipped the locks.Pulling the door inward rushed cold air over my half-naked body, but it was the sandalwood scent of JJ, the sight of him in the flesh on the front porch, that stole my breath.

“Hey,” he murmured, his face in shadow.

I didn’t speak since I wasn’t really sure what to think about him showing up in the middle of the night.

“Can I come in?It’s kinda cold out here.”

My nipples had pebbled, and goose bumps littered my arms.“Yeah.”I cleared the frog from my throat, moving back so he could pass me and step into the kitchen.

He carried a small bag, which meant he’d assumed I would let him stay.

“What are you doing here?”I asked, not able to get a good read on him in the dark, but I didn’t want to turn on the lights and have to face an even bigger temptation of seeing him fully.That close in proximity to him, I would probably drown in his gorgeous eyes that looked into my soul no matter how much I tried to stop him.

“I owe you an apology.”

“More thanone,” I shot back, arms crossing, from nerves rather than coldness.

“Can we sit down?”

I huffed and motioned toward the living room, following him as he went to where I’d indicated.The banked fire gave off more than enough light through the glass doors of the fireplace, but I flicked on a lamp purely out of hospitality, planning to keep my distance.

He perched on the couch, leaving his bag alongside it.

I sat in Dad’s recliner, settling back, draping my hands on the edge of the armrests, allowing myself to drink in the sight of JJ.His dark hair was mussed to hell as though he’d been dragging his fingers through it.Dark circles smudged beneath his eyes like he hadn’t been sleeping.

Still hot as fuck.

JJ’s gaze flitted down over my naked chest, and he cleared his throat, bringing his focus back to my face.

I raised an eyebrow and waited when I’d rather have dropped between his knees and begged to suck him off.

“Alex called that night.”

My heart fell at hearing my assumption confirmed.

“I figured,” I stated when he paused after that bit of unsurprising information.

“It’s not what you think though,” JJ insisted.

It’s not what you think…

I’d heard those exact fucking words once upon a time before being ghosted.Blocked with zero communication, I’d been left to figure shit out on my own.

“I’m all ears.”I didn’t mean to sound snippy, but did.I told myself JJ deserved the attitude, so I didn’t apologize for my tone even though the past influenced my stirred anger.At least JJ had made an effort, where Xavier had not.The least I could do was hear what the man had to say.

“He’d been beaten up and left for dead.”

I refused to feel sorry for the jerk and kept my lips sealed.

“He had a bad concussion and was in the hospital for two days,” JJ went on.“I also learned he’d been using.”
