Page 102 of Lust

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A flick of his wrist set the chariot in motion, and away he shot.

Eddie turned to Shade. “What now?”

“Now.” Shade bent and tossed Wrath over his shoulder. “Now we go back through the hell gate with this fucker, and he can tell me why the fuck he is so intent on ending me.”

She hated to be the one to point out the obvious. Not really because it gave her a tenuous feeling of superiority over all the immortals around her. “Um, Shade. You can’t go back through the hell gate.” There was something satisfying about being right. “One, because you’re not supposed to be on earth. And two, because there are guardians up there waiting for you.” She jabbed a finger at Wrath. “I’m assuming they won’t take too kindly to him either.”

“Eddie.” Shade raised his eyebrow at her. “I am a hell prince. Nobody tells me where I can and cannot go.”

Eddie stepped through the hell gate and into her basement ahead of Shade and Wrath. And nearly ran smack into Chris Fellows.

“Edme.” He looked disappointed in her. “You and I really need to talk further.”

Xerxes pushed past her and got between Eddie and Chris. His low, menacing growl reverberated around the empty room.

Taking a cautious step back, Chris eyed Xerxes. “And I’m afraid that really is not allowed.”

“He’s not a that. He’s a hound.” Eddie laid a hand on Xerxes shoulder. Taking a leaf out of Shade’s book, she raised her chin. “And he goes where I go.”

Cronus came up on her other side, hackles raised, red eyes glinting at Chris.

What girl wouldn’t feel safe with these two by her side? And to think, she’d wanted an ordinary dog. She might still want an ordinary dog, as long as it got along with her hounds.

“That’s a problem.” Chris shoved his hands into the pockets of his pressed gray pants. “Hell hounds are forbidden on this plane.” He cocked his head and studied her with cold, gray eyes. “So are Nephilim. As I’m sure Asmodeus has already informed you.”

Speaking of Shade, where the hell was he?

The hell gate swirled, and he stepped through, Wrath balanced on his shoulder.

Shade dropped Wrath to the floor. “Guardian, I assume?”

“Indeed.” Chris gave him a mocking head bow. “You knew my predecessor.”

“Yes.” Shade leaned over Wrath and studied him. “Considering he did not stab me with a heaven wrought blade and throw me through the hell gate,” he drawled. “Forgive me for not congratulating you on replacing him.”

Chris shrugged. “You know the rules.”

“Indeed.” Shade pointed to the dagger. “Would you, Eddie?”

“What?” Eddie wasn’t sure what he was asking.

“Remove the blade.” Shade straightened.

Chris took a step toward Wrath.

Cronus snarled, and he backed off.

“I don’t think so.” Shade grinned, all teeth and no friendliness. “The blade was given to Eddie, and she is the one who must handle it.”

A muscle ticked in Chris’s jaw as his frigid gaze slid over Eddie. “She has no right to that weapon. Only guardians may handle heaven wrought blades.”

Six men stepped out of the gloom behind Chris, all dressed like Men in Black lite.

Chris looked smug. “And we must insist on the rules being followed.”

“And archangels. Don’t forget about them, Guardian.” Shade toed Wrath. “You gonna just lie there, motherfucker?”

“I was thinking about it.” Wrath groaned and flopped to his side.
