Page 101 of Lust

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Lucifer handled the reins nonchalantly as if they weren’t defying physics with their forward momentum. He turned and spoke to Shade. “It started about the same time as the trouble with the seals.”

Eddie resisted the urge to tell him to watch where they were driving as bushes and trees flashed past. She dug her fingers into Shade’s arms and held on tight.

“At first it was only one or two missing from the horde.” Lucifer shrugged and changed the reins from his left to right hands. Reaching inside his pocket, he pulled out a silver hip flask and took a healthy sip. “But it’s been steadily getting worse. By my last count, I’d lost well over two hundred thousand from my horde.”

It begged the question of how large each hell prince’s horde was, but Eddie was too busy hanging on for dear life and trying to not scream.

If anything, the horses were moving faster now. Colors blurred as they streaked past and the wind in her face robbed the breath from her.

Shade turned her head into his chest.

It helped with the wind but gave her lungs full of Shade’s unique honey and musk smell.

His voice rumbled through her as he spoke, “I thought it was Wrath destroying my demons.”

“As much as I’d like to plant the blame on him.” Lucifer toed his brother’s inert form. “I believe there is something else afoot.”

Wrath groaned.

“Speaking of afoot.” Lucifer raised a booted foot and drove the knife hilt deeper into his brother.

“Shit!” Eddie didn’t like Wrath, but that seemed needlessly cruel. “What are you doing?”

“You don’t want him to gain his strength back, my sweet.” Lucifer grinned at her. “He’s a grumpy bastard at the best of times.”

“So if Wrath isn’t destroying my horde, who is?” Shade didn’t appear to have any problems with Lucifer’s actions.

“That, Asmodeus”—Lucifer offered him the hip flask—“is the pressing issue we need an answer to.”

“Here’s a better question.” Shade sipped from the hip flask, and then offered it to Eddie. “Why are you helping us?”

Eddie eyed the flask dubiously. Then again… What the hell? Get it! Arf arf. Now she had jokes. Smooth single malt met her tongue in a burst of peat and smoke.

“My reasons are my own,” Lucifer said, and flicked the reins over the horses’ backs.

Shade snorted. “Aren’t they always.”

The scenery blurred into streaks of color with no distinguishing details. Eddie had no idea how fast they were going. She was also certain that for her peace of mind, she didn’t want to know.

At the speed they’d been traveling, it shouldn’t have surprised Eddie that they arrived at the hell gate within about thirty minutes. A journey that had taken her days had ended in a flash. A terrifying and stomach-churning flash, but over nonetheless.

She looked about for Xerxes and Cronus. There was no way they would have been able—

The hounds emerged from the forest with their tongues lolling and their eyes gleaming brightly.

“They enjoy a good run.” Shade grinned at her.

At lightning-fast speeds apparently. “Is Yesterday with you?”

Cronus’s massive flanks heaved as he panted. “That plague will never be fully banished.”

Yesterday did have a way of popping up when least expected.

“And now, sweet Edme, I must say goodbye.” Lucifer gave her a knee trembler of a smile. “For now, that is. I am sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”

Shade growled and got his shoulder in front of Eddie. “You’re not coming through the hell gate?”

“Not as yet.” Lucifer leapt into his chariot. “I have a couple of leads I want to follow up down here. See if I can get any answers to the disappearing demon debacle.”
