Page 103 of Lust

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Chris tensed, and his posse all palmed similar weapons to the heaven wrought blade. Swords, daggers, and rapiers, and all made of the unmistakable crystalline substance.

Eddie glanced at Wrath to find him watching her. A strange little smile played around the surprisingly pillowy sensuality of his mouth. In a face as roughhewn as Wrath’s, the softness of his mouth drew your attention to it. “Hello, Edme,” he murmured. He jerked his head at the blade. “Be a good girl and get that out of me.”

Sword in one hand, Chris brandished it at Xerxes and stepped closer to Eddie. “I don’t want to hurt you, Edme. We can resolve this without violence.” One of his men aimed a crystalline crossbow at Cronus. “But if you remove that blade, then we will be forced to see it as an act of aggression.”

Said the man with weapons pointing at them. Eddie didn’t know what to do. She glanced at Shade.

He nodded. “Do it.”


“Eddie.” Wrath’s pale blue eyes met hers. “Remove the blade, and do it now.”

Not a fan of being given orders, Eddie still went with the devil she knew. She lunged for Wrath and ripped the dagger from his shoulder.

Everyone moved at once.

Xerxes threw himself at Chris.

Cronus leapt and stood over her.

With a whoosh of air, Shade’s wings appeared on his back.

Blades flashed like diamonds as the guardians attacked.

Wrath threw himself into action, taking on the guardian closest to him. He looked pale and was moving slower than Shade, but she couldn’t fault his fighting style. Sheer poetic brutality as he downed his first opponent and turned for the next.

In the churn of feet and legs, Eddie cowered under Cronus’s belly, as weapons clanged, men grunted and shouted, flesh smacked into flesh.

For two beings who had been trying to end each other hours earlier, Wrath and Shade made a tight unit. Shade had disappeared his wings, and they stood back-to-back and fought the guardians.

The guardians retaliated like no normal human could, their movements faster than Eddie could track.

Xerxes yelped as he took a bolt to the shoulder.

“No.” Eddie had to get to him.

The enormous hound stumbled and then righted himself.

Black blood gushed from the wound, and he backed away on unsteady legs, snarling and shaking his big head.

“We need to get to him.” Fury thrummed with Eddie’s pulse. Nobody hurt her hound. Eddie tried to move one of Cronus’s caging legs.

Cronus growled at her. “You are to stay safe.”

“I will help him.” Her voice had dropped to a low, menacing growl.

The guardian with the crossbow took aim at Xerxes.

“Go.” Cronus moved aside. “I will shield you.”

Eddie leapt for Xerxes, her jump taking her all the way across the room. Her eyesight had sharpened, her hearing identified each of the sounds happening around her, and she smelled blood and power in the air. She hit the floor with her hip and slid up beside her hound.

The guardian with the crossbow blinked at her.

“Don’t,” she snarled.

Her gaze sharpened on his finger on the trigger. He fired.
