Page 104 of Lust

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The bolt headed through the air toward her as if in slow motion. Eddie snatched it out of the air and crushed it in her fist. She wanted to rip his limbs from his body and beat him with them.

“Yes,” Wrath shouted. “Give me that rage, Edme.”

Cronus’s voice reached her through her angry haze. “Mistress, you must control it.”

Cronus’s furry body moved between her and the guardian.

Yes, she must control the rage. Memories of what had happened last time she let the haze go crowded her mind. She couldn’t do that again, wouldn’t do that again.

The guardian gaped at her, his crossbow trembling in his hand.

“Lower your weapon,” Eddie said. “Or face my wrath.”

The man blinked and pointed his weapon to the floor. He’d gone an unhealthy shade of pale, his eyes huge and staring.

“Breathe,” Cronus said. “You cannot release your wrath here.”

Fury still pounding in her blood, Eddie breathed deep and turned to Xerxes.

Grabbing the shaft, she gritted her teeth and yanked the bolt out of Xerxes.

He snarled in pain but staggered back to his feet.

Brushing her ponytail, a bolt thunked into the wall near Eddie’s head.

Motherfucker! Eddie spun on the crossbow firing piece of crap.

“Stop her,” Shade bellowed.

Both hounds got between Eddie and the remaining guardians.

Four guardians lay downed as Wrath and Shade moved on Chris together.

In one giant bound, Xerxes had the crossbow guardian pinned beneath a paw.

Still wanting to rend the bastard, Eddie ducked out from behind Cronus and snatched the crossbow out of his hand. Loading another bolt, she turned the crossbow on Chris. “Put it down.” She motioned the sword he was about to swing at Wrath. “Put that fucking sword down, or I’ll gut you like a trout.”

“The power she holds.” Wrath breathed deep. “It is…”

Shade glanced at him. “It certainly is.”

Chris froze, gaze locked on her weapon. “You’re not a violent person, Edme. You don’t even know how to use that.”

“Wanna bet?” She wanted nothing more than to see the bolt sink into his throat. “You twitch, and I will end you.”

Chris glared at her. “Nephilim,” he spat.

“That’s right.” Eddie grinned at him. “And I’d be very careful about the next words that leave your mouth.”

“Look at her,” Wrath murmured. “Strong and fierce.”

“Eddie!” Dee came running into the room. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene. “What have you done?”

Eddie was not sure if the question was addressed to her or the two hell princes.

“Hello, Deandra.” Wrath gave her a tight smile. “Do us a favor and gather up those heaven wrought weapons.”

Deandra studied the room for a second before she started gathering up weapons. “This is not good, Wrath. So not good.”
