Page 53 of Lust

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Eddie jotted down some notes. LX 1.1, preset.

Sophia moved beside the lighting board. “May I see your arm?”

“It’s fine.” By which she meant hurt like a son of a bitch and might be the death of her, but whatever.


“I hate that name,” she snapped. “Call me Eddie. Or better yet, leave me alone.” And by this she meant in the broader sense as in get the fuck out of her theatre. Perhaps getting mouthy with an archangel wasn’t her best move, but she was past caring.

Sophia’s gaze went gentle and understanding as she put her hand on Eddie’s arm. “I know this is a lot to take in. But I might be able to help with your bite.”

The desire to be a hard ass was tempting, but the possible death from rakshasa demon bite scenario had her swinging her chair around.

“You’re not the real guardian.” Sophia took her arm carefully.

“You don’t know that.” As far as Eddie knew, she and Dee were the only two people privy to that information. Other than Rosabella, and as she was the reason for the lie, Eddie would bet her best pair of vintage Chucks, she wasn’t going to say anything either.

Sophia chuckled and bent to examine her bite. “Yes, I do, Eddie. I know it the same way I would recognize another angel, or a demon disguised as a human.” She sniffed at the wound with her adorably upturned nose. “Ugh! That stinks.”

“Thanks.” Eddie tried to snatch her hand back. “Nice of you to notice.”

Sophia pulled out the sound operator’s chair, put Eddie’s arm back on the desk, and sat. “Also, if you were the guardian, you would have realized what I was the moment I stepped into the theatre.”

It struck Eddie that here might be the answers she craved. “You going to tell me what’s going on?”

“We both are.” Shade stood in the doorway, looking like every girl’s dirty dream with his ankles crossed, his shoulder propped on the jamb, and his low-slung jeans.

So, now the shithead wanted to talk. She wasn’t going to forget what he’d done to Lillian in a hurry. No amount of drop dead sexy was going to mitigate that.

“I need to make sure Uriel tells you the full story.”

Sophia bristled. “I do not lie.”

“We both know you just did.”

“No fighting in here.” Eddie slammed her hand down on the desk. “There’s a lot of expensive equipment in here.” And Eddie had pretty much reached her limit, sailed right past and landed on the dangerous end of pissed off.

“We’ve got a big problem, Eddie.” Sophia’s beautiful face invited her trust.


“Well…” Sophia shrugged prettily. “All of us. Heaven, earth.” She jerked her head at Shade. “Hell.”

Eddie resisted Sophia’s charm. “You just got through telling me how I’m not the guardian, so how is any of this my problem?” She jabbed her thumb at Shade. “Him and his shitty tricks can go right back to hell.” She held her hand up to stop Shade from speaking. “And I really don’t care if Wrath wants his head on a stick. After what he pulled with me and then Lillian, I’m not going to stop another hell prince from slapping down some harsh justice.”

The hounds shoved past Shade and flanked Eddie.

“Wow.” Sophia eyed the hounds. “They really do listen to you.”

“Ungrateful sods.” Shade snorted. “I created them, and now look at them.”

“They can stay.” Eddie touched the left hound’s ear. “They don’t break stuff.”

It leaned into her caress with a cute purr.

“Eddie.” Sophia leaned her elbows on her knees and scooted her chair closer. “As much as Shade annoys me.” She scowled at him. “We can’t let Wrath kill him.”

“Why not?” Six hell princes sounded like enough to her. If they are all like Shade, it was probably six too many. She wasn’t putting any faith in what Yesterday had told her about how the whole thing worked.
