Page 56 of Lust

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“He’s a prick,” she said to them. “And I don’t trust him.”

The one on her right whined.

“I do trust you.” Eddie didn’t question why she knew what that whine had meant. “You guys have given me no reason not to trust you.” Honesty compelled her to add. “Other than when we first met, and you tried to eat me.”

Left hound nudged her hand with his snout.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She patted his giant head. “But just because you thought I was human, doesn’t mean it’s okay to eat me.”

Righty chuffed.

“I mean it.” Eddie gave his ear a gentle tug. “And if you’re going to hang around here, you both need to understand that there will be no more eating of humans.”

“Remarkable,” Sophia murmured. “I can see why you like her.”

“The question remains what to do about her,” Shade said. He gave Sophia a hard look. “And I trust we are in agreement.”

“We are completely in agreement.” Sophia nodded and then clapped her hands. “It’s so long since we’ve had a good challenge.”



Eddie spent the day ignoring the shitshow that had taken over her theatre. Fortunately, Lillian and Barrie managed a three-hour distraction with a screaming match, through which Peter drank steadily from his “water” bottle. Now, Eddie was not a woman to cast aspersions, but Peter before his water was a lot less cheerful than Peter on a steady three hours of water.

She watched it all from the catwalk as she slipped gels over lights.

“I don’t care if you spent twenty years at the NAC,” Barrie bellowed. “And even if you had, you would still be the largest ham I’ve ever seen on stage.”

“Ham?” Lillian screeched. “You’re a geriatric Macbeth. How the hell am I supposed to behave like I desire you?”

Barrie took a deep breath and flushed. “It’s called acting, you tart.”

“How would you know?” Lillian shook with rage. “You wouldn’t know acting if it bit you on your wrinkly old ass.”

“People.” Peter was lounging in the auditorium with his water bottle clutched in his hand. “Positive spaces.”

Lillian and Barrie ignored him and got steadily more vitriolic.

“Psst.” Yesterday popped his head out from behind a light, and startled Eddie so badly, she nearly slipped off the catwalk.

She pressed a hand to her thundering heart. “Jesus! Don’t do that.”

“Are they gone?” He peered around the theatre.

Eddie hadn’t seen him all day. “Where have you been?”

“Here and there.” He averted his gaze, looking everywhere but at her. “I can’t be around Uriel and Asmodeus.”

As much as Eddie wanted to ask why, she did not want to discuss those two. Of course she was fucking human. She had been human her entire life and she didn’t need those idiots messing with her head. “Yesterday?”

“What?” He started.

“I’m human, right?”

Scoffing, Yesterday twitched his left ear. “What else would you be?”

See there! She knew exactly what she was. Yesterday probably only had a fly on his ear. “So, apparently there is big trouble in hell.”
