Page 58 of Lust

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Shade sipped his wine and studied her over the glass. “And you are more immune to my lust.” He smirked. “When I’m using it, which I’m not at this moment. So it begs the question as to why you thought I was the one spreading lust.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Could there be someone else in this scenario having lustful leanings?”

Eddie knew a conversational bear trap when she saw one, and she wasn’t tripping that behemoth any time soon.

As if he’d heard her thought, Shade gave her a dirty grin. “Nothing to say?”

“Here.” To shut him up, Eddie thrust the pizza box at him. She couldn’t eat all of it anyway. And Dee had brought her up right. Which reminded her that she wanted to call Dee tonight and share the latest tidbit with her. Dee would laugh and tell her they were full of shit, and that would be the end of that. “I need to make a phone call.”

“Eddie?” Shade helped himself to a slice. “There’s another reason we don’t believe you’re human.”

Oh, Eddie couldn’t wait to hear this, and she stared him down as she waited for the answer.

“I can’t read your soul.” Shade bit down with his gleaming, straight white teeth. “And neither can Uriel.”

“So?” Whatever the hell that meant.

“I’m a hell prince. She’s an archangel.” He shrugged. “It’s kind of what we do.”

“Don’t get pizza sauce on those pants,” she snapped as she stalked out of the kitchen. She was done with this crap. Time to let Dee settle it. She took her phone and her wine to her bedroom and perched on the end of the bed.

“Eddie-girl,” Dee answered her call. “Don’t worry, I’m on my way.”

“Good.” She needed to give Dee the latest. “And apparently we have the archangel Uriel here as well.”

Dee sighed. “Well, that’s to be expected. If Asmodeus is on earth, Uriel would know and want to check it out.”

Resentment made Eddie want to snap at her grandmother, but she wrestled it back down to a low grumble. “You couldn’t have warned me?”

“Sorry, Eddie-girl.” Dee’s voice softened in a way that melted Eddie’s resentment. “I should have warned you of the possibility. Did they fight?”

“Yup.” She wanted another slice of pizza, but that would involve going back into the kitchen and dealing with Shade again. “They tore up the greenroom.”

“Idiots,” Dee snapped. “Did they fix it again?”

“Yup.” Pizza might be worth running into Shade. It was pizza after all. Pizza. “And according to them, Wrath is trying—”

“Wrath?” Dee’s voice sharpened. “Is Wrath there?”

“No, but—”

“Good.” Dee exhaled. “That’s good news.”

Dee’s reaction to Wrath bothered her, but they’d get to that. “So, Wrath is trying to end Shade, and Uriel and Shade decided he should stay here.”

Dee scoffed. “He can’t stay there.”

“When you get here, you can tell him that.” And maybe tell him to back off her pizza at the same time.

Shade wandered into her bedroom with a plate in his hand. Winking at her, he put it down on the bed beside her and sashayed his fine ass out of there again.

He’d brought her a few slices of pizza.

“Eddie?” Dee shook her back to the call. “Are you there?”

“Yes. Shade just—never mind.” Never one to look a gift horse and all that, Eddie took one of the pieces and bit into it. “They say they can’t take the risk of Wrath ending Shade. And until Shade is at full strength again, he can’t go back to hell.”

“Hmmm.” Dee went silent for a while. “I suppose that makes sense, and we’ll just have to hope that the guardians don’t pick up that he’s there.”

“What would they do if they found out?” She was beginning to realize how sparse Dee had been on the details around the hell gate. If she’d known more, she might have been better prepared for what had gone down.
