Page 67 of Lust

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He lifted a lip and flashed a fang.

Not Spike then. “Fluffy?”

The other hound growled and pawed her leg.

“Not Fluffy either.” She strained her ears for any sound from the theatre, but the silence was broken only by the low hum of machinery. Where were those guardian shitheads now, and what were they doing to her theatre? God, she hoped Uriel had found a good place to hide. “I don’t suppose you guys could warn Uriel?”

Not Spike gave her a pitying glare. With nothing else to do, she studied his broad face. “I think something strong and noble. Definitely dangerous.”

He nodded and his eyes gleamed.

It hit her suddenly. “Cronus?”

The hound cocked his head and then grunted and lay his head back down on her lap.

She turned her attention to the second hound. “Now we need something similar for you. I’m assuming here that you’re as opposed to Fluffy or Spike?”

It gave her a pitying look. “Mars?”

He growled.

“Atlas?” The hound might have rolled his eyes.


Cronus growled this time. Maybe they knew their mythology.

Anything could be happening while she was stuck down here. They could be laying a trap for Dee, but Eddie couldn’t reach her phone. It lay on the floor about three feet away from her feet, the screen lighting up every now and again with incoming notifications. Had rehearsal started yet today? Had anyone noticed she was missing? Lillian had seen her with the guardians. Surely, she would start to ask where Eddie had gone. Pardon her—Edsie.

Jesus, she despised that nickname. She was starting to understand why the hounds were getting fussy over the naming game. “Xerxes,” she said.

Xerxes winked at her and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth like a particularly vicious and edgy looking golden retriever. “Xerxes it is then.”

Cronus and Xerxes. She liked it.


It came from the same place the hounds had, and Eddie craned her head back as far as the collar would allow.

Yesterday’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

Really? Really! She let the sarcasm load up her voice. “Hanging out with the lads.”

“Well.” Yesterday leapt down from the propane tank. He eyed her collar. “That does not look well.”

“Can you take it off?”

Yesterday snatched his hands behind his back. “Oh, no, no, no, no, no.” He wrinkled his nose. “Heaven wrought. Can’t touch that.” He tilted his head. “In fact, I am not sure why they are not burning you to a crisp.”

“They do that?” Eddie had definitely felt a sparking sensation when Chris the cocksucker had put the collar on.

Xerxes snarled at Yesterday.

Yesterday leapt back. “I’m from hell.” He shrugged. “What do I know of heaven wrought objects?”

Dammit! She changed tack. “Can you warn Uriel?”

“Oh, Uriel knows.” Yesterday waved an airy hand. “She knew the guardians were here before you did. She is not stupid enough to be caught by the guardians.”
