Page 85 of Lust

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“He’s part of Wrath’s court.” Shade’s jaw set in a grim line. “And imps lie. So, we can be reasonably certain if Yesterday did take the blade, he’s heading to Wrath with it.”



They were arguing about what to do next—Eddie made a compelling case for back to the theatre—when Shade stood up, announced their destination as his palace, and headed for the cave entrance.

Eddie glared at Shade’s back. The man refused to listen to reason. “What do you mean we’re going to your palace?”

“Because that’s where we’ll find Wrath.” Shade peered around him before stepping into the thick, warm night.

Eddie traipsed after him. “You don’t know that for sure.”

“The master knows all,” Xerxes said and padded after Shade.

Shade turned and waited for her to catch up. “I do know that because the demons that were pursuing me said as much.”

“Exactly.” Eddie lowered her voice as the night stillness wrapped her like a blanket. “The same Wrath who left you bleeding and dying on the cave floor. Seems like finding him is the very last thing you should do.”

“His demons did this to me.” Shade stared at Xerxes by his side.

Xerxes stilled and took a tremendous sniff of the air before he nodded to Shade.

Shade strode into the forest.

Not fancying the option of being left behind, Eddie trotted after them.

“If Wrath is at your palace, then so are his demons.” Eddie caught up with him, and Cronus flanked her. “It makes no sense for you to go strolling in there to get the shit beat out of you again.”

“None of this makes any sense.” Shade frowned as if mentally cogitating the situation. “Wrath and I fight often.” He shrugged. “It’s a way of relieving the boredom. But he has never tried to end me before.”

“We should go back to the theatre.” Eddie gave reason and logic another whirl. “We can talk to Uriel about it and see what she says.”

“Uriel has no say in hell,” Shade bit out. “And she will have problems of her own shortly.”

“Problems?” Eddie had a plate full of problems right now and no desire to add another dollop. “What kind of problems? Why would she have problems?”

Shade stopped suddenly and turned to her. Taking her by the shoulders, he gave her a gentle shake and said, “Breathe, Eddie.”

“I am breathing.” She pulled air into her starved lungs. Problems for Uriel meant problems for Dee and her theatre. “Explain.”

“Uriel should not be on earth either.” Shade started walking again. “The guardians will not like it that she or I have strayed into their realm. And if what you told me is true, the guardians will be furious that she sent you through the portal with a heaven forged weapon. It’s not done.” He flinched. “Not without consequences in any case.”

“Does that mean Dee is in trouble?” Eddie’s gut tightened. She didn’t want to think of her grandmother having to deal with those asshat guardians who had locked her in the basement. When Dee had virtually shoved her through the hell gate, she hadn’t thought to ask about the consequences for Dee. And given the way the guardians had treated her, she absolutely should have. What if they had hurt Dee? “Shade, we have to go back. My grandmother could be in danger.”

“Your grandmother can take care of herself,” Shade said. “And she will be under Uriel’s protection.”

Oh, that was comforting. Not! “You just said Uriel will have problems of her own.”

“Eddie.” Shade threw her a fulminating stare. “Uriel is an archangel. An all-powerful being, and she can take care of herself and Deandra.”

“An all-powerful being like you.” Eddie didn’t want to rub salt in his recently healed wounds, but someone had to provide the reality check. “So all powerful that you were lying half dead on a cave floor less than an hour ago.”

“Exactly.” Shade growled and shook his head. “That should not have happened. None of this should be happening.”

Eddie stopped walking and stared at him. “None of this makes any sense to me.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Shade took her arm and tugged her forward. “Which is why we need to get to Wrath.”
