Page 21 of Courageous Touches

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“Grandma made us use the washboards just like she did, and my new Kenmore has a rinse…” her mother’s words trailed off as she stared off into space, looking lost.

Reyna hesitated.

“I have a Kenmore…?” her mother whispered, confused.

“The washboard works better, remember?” Reyna volunteered, trying to calm her, but then grasped at the chance that maybe things were slipping back in her mind. “There is a Kenmore at the house on Grant Road – the little blue frame house with the roses out front…? Do you remember that?”

“We aren’t talking about this,” her mother began tearfully, looking scared. “I think you should leave so I can get a nap before I have to go tend to the goats. If your mother catches you hanging out around my brother again – you’ll be in trouble Betty Jean…”

Her brother?Reyna thought wildly, realizing that her mother was indeed lost in her memories because her uncle Joe had died when he was twenty from a horse throwing him… before her grandparents sold the farm and long before she was ever born.

She’d never met her uncle – and her mother rarely talked about him.

“I’m going,” she began. “I’ll bring you something special tomorrow, okay? Maybe some chocolate or ice cream.”

“I’d like an ice cream. It’s sweltering in the barn in August…”

“It’s not August, mom…” she whispered painfully.

“Go away, Betty Jean… and I’ll tell Joe you came by.”

“Of course… thank you.”

Reyna picked up her purse and left the room, pulling the door to silently – only to hear her mother still talking to someone in the room. It was enough to give her chills and make her feel even more depressed.


Saturday morning was… different.

Reyna was starting to realize just what a toll this was taking on her. She felt like she was floundering between finding her place here – and feeling like she needed to run away to someplace new.

She was looking forward to seeing Kyle again… yet at the same time? She was dreading it with all of her being.

He wasn’t interested, and she was panting after him like some long-lost puppy every time she turned around. It was going to take real effort to keep from letting her interest show, and how had this all happened?

Yeah, he was handsome…appealing… but there was something to him that just spoke to her.

Through a megaphone,she mused idly as she stirred her coffee in her to-go cup before leaving the house.

Hesitating, she heard a noise and froze.

Something was under the house and moving around? Ughhh, she hated crawlspaces, and most older houses had them here in Texas. Basements here were a rarity.

Listening again, she heard the movement stop. Maybe whatever it was, was now gone? It would be just her luck to end up with a den of rattlers under the house or have some possum family decide to take up residence.

Grabbing her keys, she headed out.

* * *

Ten minutes later,in line at the donut shop – she was kicking herself.

She had to be the biggest idiot in the world, and this was just proof. She was standing here, waiting patiently in line on a Saturday morning, to get donuts for a guy who didn’t like her… but with whom she wanted to spend more time talking to and getting to know.

Glancing at her watch, she saw it was almost ten.

Pulling out her cell phone, she quickly texted Kyle – feeling like such a fool.

Hey Kyle – I’m gonna be a few minutes late…
