Page 26 of Courageous Touches

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“I’m trying to take things slow to make sure I don’t screw up something special that I’m very interested in getting right,” he admitted shyly, watching her.

Reyna noticed that his face was a little flushed. She adored that he was bashful… and sweet. There was something special in a guy that wasn’t embarrassed to be shy about a person that he felt sincere about.

“You are?” she whispered, gazing up at him.

“I’m not exactly suave or smooth,” he began nervously. “But I’m a decent, hard-working guy that doesn’t know how to play a bunch of dating games. What you see is what you get, you know?”

“You’re doing fine,” she said quickly. “I just was reading all of this wrong and…”

“Shhh…” he interrupted, smiling softly and looking a little insecure… as he began humming again. Her eyes widened as she realized he was humming a Disney song she recognized from Sleeping Beauty.

He slowly began moving, dancing awkwardly, and gazed at her… making her melt. This was incredible, amazing, and more than she ever expected. In this moment, she felt like a princess… despite the soapy sludge on her hand – and his.

Reyna began to laugh softly and saw his smile widen as he spun her around again, with a bit more enthusiasm.

“We should wash our hands,” she laughed, smiling at him.

“Just don’t look,” he countered playfully. “If you can’t see it, then it’s not there… right?”

“My hand is filthy and…”

In this moment there was a feeling that was so real and so powerful, it scared her. She was grasping at a chance to pull back, suddenly afraid of herself and opening up to someone so perfect – and wonderful.

Reyna stood there in his arms, her pulse pounding in her ears.

She was starting to think she was imagining the feeling when she finally looked up at him. He was watching her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

Reyna felt herself drawn to him like a magnet. But at the same time, she was scared. What if he didn't feel the same connection – again… what if she twisted everything because it was what she wanted to hear?

She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

He didn't move, didn't say a word, but somehow Reyna knew he felt the same connection that she did. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

The feeling was so strong that it overwhelmed her. Everything around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them alone in their own world.

As they danced, the song slowly came to an end and a new one began. Reyna realized that she had been so lost in the moment that she hadn't noticed the change in the ballad he was humming.

Suddenly, Reyna felt embarrassed and shy.

What if he thought she was too forward? But when she looked up at him, all her worries melted away; he smiled encouragingly and held out his other hand as if asking for another dance.

“Again…” he invited softly, and she nodded.

This time ‘round, the melody was different – slower, more romantic – and it made Reyna's heart beat faster than ever before. They moved around each other effortlessly as they spun around the room like two stars colliding in space.

Reyna felt like she could have stayed like this forever; even after the song ended, neither of them wanted to let go of each other’s hands… despite the filthy bubbles between their fingers. They began to move in time with his humming, and as they did, Reyna felt something stir inside of her.

She felt safe and protected in his arms, and she wanted to stay there forever. She knew she should pull away, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she moved closer.

“That was incredible,” Reyna said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“It was,” Kyle agreed, his voice husky with emotion.

Her heart raced as her gaze locked with his. Heat blazed through her veins like a wildfire and in that moment, she knew that this was the start of something unforgettable. His eyes were captivating, and it felt like the world around them had stopped spinning. She felt her cheeks flush as she looked into his eyes. She knew in that moment that this was the beginning of something special.


“I should install the light fixture now, shouldn’t I?”

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