Page 27 of Courageous Touches

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“We should wash our hands and…”

“Reyna, can we do this again sometime?” he interrupted quickly in a hushed voice.

She flushed and nodded, touched that he didn’t want this moment to end any more than she did. Obviously, he was as moved as she was by the unexpected moment, and was stunned by the emotion in his gaze.

“I would really like that,” she admitted – and then smiled at him. “That – and to wash my hands.”

He grinned and began laughing as he looked at their clasped hands, nodding. She didn’t even want to identify what the discolored soap bubbles were from, but instead made a face before laughing shyly and pulling away.

Taking a break, both scrubbed their hands with soap and water several times because of the unknown filth… and Kyle finished wiring the fixture in almost record time. He was twisting the wires together, covering them with protective caps, before putting it against the ceiling and fastening it into place.

Kyle shimmied up the fire escape and quickly threw on the power for the light fixture, casting a warm illumination within the room that was breathtaking to behold. The crystals shimmered everywhere, making it look like glitter was sprinkled on the floor around her.

Sitting at one of the little tables near the entrance, she realized just how easy it was to be in his company. It was like they just seemed to fit once the biggest hurdles were crossed – whether or not he liked her or had a girlfriend.

As he returned, he pulled the little table and two chairs closer to the center where they’d been dancing – and held out his hand towards it, indicating she should take a seat, before joining her. They had both opted to use napkins to hold the donuts that they’d picked up, eating because they were starving.

“You never said anything about dinner,” Kyle said persistently, taking a bite of his jelly donut and barely catching the bright red blob that nearly shot out the other side from where it was filled. He managed to maneuver his napkinned-hand to an angle where he could lick at it… before laughing nervously.

“Sorry – horrible table manners,” he offered, and she just smiled.

“It’s hard to do this with a napkin, but I’m not touching my food with my hand anytime soon…”

“No kidding,” he agreed, laughing. “Soooo? Dinner tonight?”

“You are certainly persistent.”

“Now that it’s actually out there, I really would like to know if you are interested in going,” he admitted, smiling openly.

“I was supposed to take my mother some ice cream tonight,” Reyna hesitated apologetically, feeling bad. “Maybe tomorrow night?”

“How about…” he began, his eyes watching her. “We take your mother some ice cream after dinner, and I can meet her, too.”

Reyna blinked at the unexpected offer – and the sweetness of it. He really was extremely nice, and looked so genuine that she didn’t know what to say.

She looked away nervously… only to see him dip his head back into her line of vision with an insecure smile as he looked at her.

“Would that be okay?” he whispered gently. “If you don’t want me to come, I understand… but whatever is swishing around in that head of yours? Talk to me, because I’m really terrible at reading people.”

“Apparently, I am too…” she admitted.

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t think you were interested in me – or even my type…”

“Oh,” he uttered painfully, and seemed to physically withdraw from the moment, catching her by surprise. Reyna immediately put out a hand, touching his, and looked at him.

“And I’m finding that I was so wrong about everything,” she breathed, feeling incredibly shy and nervous about admitting it aloud, but she didn’t want whatever was budding between them to fade away or die off before it had a chance to start. “Dinner, and then a quick visit to see my mom sounds perfect.”

“We can make it something unassuming if you are nervous or unsure…”

“Or we can make it a real date,” she countered softly – and saw his eyes light up with hope as he smiled at her once again.

“I’d really like that,” he admitted openly.

“Me too.”

