Page 30 of Courageous Touches

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“Seriously – what happened, dude?”

“I was installing a toilet for a friend and the valve sprayed everywhere.”

“You were doing plumbing? You barely hold the hose when we’re on the scene,” Chase taunted, grinning playfully.

“That’s not what your mom said…” Kyle retorted, grinning as Chase’s smile fell. Johnny looked up at his dad questioningly.

“What’s that mean, daddy?”

“Nothing – and that’s not funny, Kyle. My mother is a saint…”

“For putting up with you – yes.”

“Daddy?” Johnny interrupted again, looking between the two men.

“Kyle doesn’t mean anything, Johnny… and don’t repeat that. He was being rude, and Grandma won’t give you any treats if you say that. She’ll cry and we don’t want her upset…”

Johnny looked at him, aghast.

“You were mean about… aboutmy grandma?”

Kyle felt like a heel and definitely ashamed of how the little boy was reacting to him being a smartaleck to Chase. There were so many times that Chase had been vulgar, made fun of him, or had taunted the other guys, that it was natural to give him flack…

“Your grandma is a sweetheart,” Kyle uttered politely, kneeling before the boy so he could look him in the eyes. “I was being a jerk, and being mean to your daddy…”

“Don’t do that,” Johnny chastised immediately, frowning.

“I promise I won’t,” Kyle fought back a smile and held out his hand. “Are we bros again?”

“Yeah,” the boy replied – immediately giving him a hard high-five and grunting with the effort. Kyle winced openly, pretending to be hurt, and collapsing in the grass.

“There!” Johnny crowed happily. “That’ll teach you, Mr. Pee-Pee Pants…”

“That’s my boy!” Chase laughed openly, patting his son on the shoulder. “Let’s letMr. Pee-Pee Pantsget inside before the neighbors see him out there like that…”

“Thank you,” Kyle grinned.

“Get up, dork…” Chase agreed, chuckling. “We’re heading out to play video games and then going to my mom’s – I’ll be back later…”

Kyle got up and ran inside, digging out a few clean items to wear before throwing his things in the laundry. Getting a shower, he stood there for a while under the stream of water just thinking of how to impress Reyna. He wanted to make sure she was interested in him and that this wasn’t just agreed to out ofpolitenessorpity…

He would be sincerely crushed if she pitied him and pushed the friend-thing… and he was an idiot for stating that they were friends from the beginning.

Shaving his face, he glided the razor over his jaw and winced as it sliced into his skin.

“Are you kidding me?” he gaped, staring at the shower mirror that hung on the towel bar along the wall. Sure enough, he had a two-inch slice along his jawline that was bleeding profusely and looked terrible due to the water sluicing down his face now as he was trying to clean out the wound.

Kyle completed his facial massacre and gingerly dealt with the splatter of shaving foam and blood that was now all over his bathroom mirror. He gingerly touched his jawline where he had apparently traded blows with a razor, and thought it was lucky that he hadn't been knocked out.

He quickly slapped a piece of toilet paper on it, hoping to prevent a serious infection from developing. He finished shaving and carefully wiped the remnants of the foam and water from his face. He could feel the sting of the cut on his jawline, but luckily it wasn't too bad. He pressed a square of toilet paper on it to hopefully stop the bleeding.

Getting dressed, he glanced at his watch and realized time was slipping away from him. He really needed to finish getting dressed, change the dressing on his wound to see if it had finally stopped bleeding, and head out towards Reyna’s house to pick her up.

He hoped the black jeans and simple Polo shirt would be okay for wherever she wanted to go for dinner. He really didn’t have any plans and wanted to kind of play it by ear, so that way if she wanted to go someplace nice – they could. He sort of hoped that maybe she would be as low-maintenance as she seemed in the last two days that he’d gotten to know her.

As he pulled up in front of the tiny blue frame house, he couldn’t help but smile at the large orange flowers that were such a contrast to the rest of the little home. It was almost as adorable as she was… in a strange, unexpected way. There was something eye-catching, attractive, and simply appealing… just like Reyna.

He normally liked girls with long hair, a bit thinner, and more outgoing – and she was the opposite of each of those things. She was curvy in the most delightful way, making it hard to keep his eyes off her. Her short hair was almost blunt against her face, falling at her jawline, which was squared off, giving her an abrupt appearance… until she smiled.
