Page 32 of Courageous Touches

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He sheepishly rubbed his head and muttered an apology, while she struggled to hide a painful smirk.

They bumped heads – hard.

“Owww…” she whimpered, wincing, and looking at him as he continued rubbing his forehead.

“Should I be seeing stars…?”

“You’re seeing stars?” she asked nervously, wondering if she should take him to emergency. What if he had a concussion or had fractured something? They had hit pretty hard, making a loud hollow sound…

“… In your eyes,” he smiled sheepishly, looking extraordinarily shy in that moment, and the corny line completely won her over.

Reyna’s mouth dropped open in surprise and wonder at the gentle, sappy, supremely romantic man before her.

“That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” she whispered, touched that he was trying so very hard to impress her. “I don’t know what to say…”

“Tell me I haven’t peaked already, because I would hate for everything to be downhill from here tonight. I’d like it to be memorable – but in a good way,” he chuckled anxiously, now rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous manner, revealing the red mark on his forehead… and she saw a cut along his jaw.

“What happened to your jaw?” she asked softly, touching his face – as he backed away nervously, causing her to draw back in surprise.

“I was in a hurry and cut myself shaving,” he muttered embarrassed, looking away.

She reached up and touched his jaw again, feeling herself melt at how the start to their date was proceeding. It was silly, clumsy, slightly dorky… and sorta perfect. As she touched his cheek, she carefully glanced at it – before turning his face slightly to look at her.

“No,” she whispered softly, smiling at him. “I think things are going to go well during our dinner.”

“I sincerely hope so,” he breathed. “I’m a little nervous.”

“Me too,” she admitted. “Maybe we should both take a deep breath, relax, and just enjoy each other’s company without worrying so much.”

He nodded and held out his hand towards her.

“No grime or soap suds…” he chuckled softly, reminding her of their dance earlier as she put her fingers in his hand.

“Are we dancing? I thought you wanted to go to dinner,” she teased softly, feeling her heart flutter happily as she remembered the impromptu romantic moment earlier.

“Dinner, ice cream for Mom, dancing, all your smiles and all your laughs…” he replied, watching her. “Whatever you want, I’ll do my best to provide - always.”

Reyna looked at him again in surprise, realizing that while he was coming on strong… there was something wonderful about it. She should be a little taken aback, except there wasn’t any guile there, no games. He meant every word he was saying, and that was the part that was so incredible.

She could see it in his eyes.

If she asked for the moon, he would find a taller ladder… and a lasso.

Unsure of what to say, she simply nodded, feeling humbled and honored that someone so kind and wonderful had come into her life. If nothing else, she would have an incredible friend at her side… and if everything seemed to work out? It would be an incredible relationship.

“Shall we go?” he asked softly, as if he also realized just how intense everything was getting between them.

Reyna nodded and Kyle took her hand, guiding her towards the front door, holding the screen door for her to lock the house. He then opened the vehicle door for her as well, reiterating her thoughts about him wanting to make her feel special. Between the flowers and the politeness, he was pulling out all the stops…

She watched him slide into the driver’s seat before he smiled at her.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“Oh!” she hesitated, and laughed nervously. “I’m not sure. I thought you had someplace in mind and…”

“Not really, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t have some place you wanted to go. In my line of work, I’m not too keen on surprises,” he admitted in a droll voice, causing her to look over at him again, only to see his lips wobble slightly as he tried to hide a smile.

“You’re teasing me…” she began.

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