Page 39 of Courageous Touches

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“Do you really think something would let us talk andwaitto attack you?”

“I don’t know… maybe?”


Reyna cursed, shot straight up out of her bed, and leaped from it - bolting towards the front door without even stopping to look behind her. Heart pounding fiercely, she unlocked the front door, yanking it open, and ducked nervously… waiting.

Kyle stood there, looking, and then looked down at her.

“Are you okay?”

“Is there something hideous standing behind me?” she asked nervously, her fingers laced over her head protectively, as she crouched into a tiny ball. “I don’t feel any hot breath on me, nor smell anything rancid, but if I get drooled on by some gruesome monster or see fangs coming down in front of me…”

“Oh my gosh…” Kyle laughed suddenly, causing her to look up in surprise as he took hold of her arms. “You watch too many scary movies, hon…”

She looked at him, pale and frightened, realizing there was nothing behind her at all.

“Oh my gosh, do you think the thumping was coming from my chest cavity and I’m about to have something burst from me…” she asked, horrified – only to see his smile.

“C’mere,” he said quietly, gathering her in his arms for a hug. She easily walked into his embrace, realizing that she was wearing a pair of flannel pajamas and her hair was probably a mess… and didn’t care.

His hand was smoothing her hair, tucking her head under his chin, as he held her close, crooning softly.

“Shhh… it was probably just a really bad nightmare by some sweet girl that has an incredible imagin…”

His words trailed off and they both tensed as the thumping began in earnest in the distance… followed by another angry hiss. Reyna pulled back and looked at his surprised face.

“Do you have a raccoon problem here?”


“Where’s your room?”

Kyle didn’t wait for her to answer, walking past her into the house with his hand on the holster where his gun sat. She was glad to see he didn’t automatically pull it for safety’s sake or in a threatening manner.

He was right. There had to be a sane explanation… but she was lost and couldn’t figure out what it could be.

Following him closely, laying a hand on his shoulder, she felt her heart hammering wildly in her chest and noticed that his hair was askew, standing up in a few spots… before noticing that he was wearing grey sweatpants and a bright orange marathon shirt.

“You run?”

“Huh? Oh this…” he chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I like running and needed to sleep in something comfortable. Chase has a little boy that just turned seven, and he gets up early sometimes to watch cartoons.”

They froze again at the sound of something in the distance, before Kyle stood up and looked at her.

“Do you have any pets?”



“What do you mean ‘interesting’…” she asked nervously.

“Stay here,” Kyle said quietly, and she watched him tiptoe into her bedroom, feeling a flush of embarrassment as she realized her bed was a mess and the laundry bin at the end of her bed was full.

Not one of her finer moments…

Stunned, she heard the noise again – and Kyle’s laugh. He turned to her, smiling, and waved her over as he knelt directly beside her bed where the small table was with her alarm clock.
