Page 41 of Courageous Touches

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“Is Daddy being mean to you?” she crooned tenderly to the kitten that was now purring loudly against her shirt. “You don’t look like you have parvo, do you? Nooo… but then again? I don’t know what parvo would look like. No, you look like a big, sweet, filthy, little orange fluffball and it’s November so…”

She looked up and smiled broadly at Kyle.

“What?” he grinned.

“His name is Yam,” she beamed happily, grinning, as Kyle started laughing at the name as he sat there, relaxed, opposite of her. Just seeing her ‘hero’ rescuing the cat had made her heart melt… but this easy, wonderful, happy side of him was doing all sorts of things to her soul.

“Yes, this sweet filthy boy’s name is Yam - because ‘I YAM sooo in love with him’,” she crooned again, hoping to make Kyle laugh some more as she began making kissy noises at the kitten, who mewled again in response. “See? He knows his name.”

“He’s probablymadat his name,” Kyle countered, chuckling.

“Nahhh…” she teased, smiling at him. “Thank you for coming and rescuing Yam – and me.”

“How could I not?” he began, gazing at her with so much tenderness in his voice that it was not hard to miss. “My lady called in distress – and I will always be there for her.”

“I’m so glad we met,” she replied openly, touched by his words and wincing at the little claws that were trying to climb up her shirt to explore. “How about I make some pancakes or French toast for breakfast… for my favorite hero?”

“I don’t know about ‘hero’,” Kyle said sheepishly, smiling at her. “But yourboyfriendwould love a cup of coffee, your company, and I can make some killer pancakes for us both so you can play with your new little love…”

“Are you jealous?”

“Should I be?

“Are you in love with the kitten?”

“Of course, he’s so sweet and…”

Kyle leaned forward from where he was sitting on the floor, his fingers lacing into her hair as he pulled her forward, kissing her tenderly without warning. She would never get over the feeling of his warm, firm lips against hers… and the differences between them, marveling at each one.

“Then yeah…” Kyle whispered softly, his breath brushing against her lips and tickling slightly as the kitten crawled up between them, grasping at both with painful little claws for attention, needing to explore this new world. “I ‘yam’a little jealous of that kitten.”

Reyna smiled against his lips as he kissed her again.

* * *

Kyle slidtwo pancakes onto a plate as Reyna looked up from her spot on the kitchen floor where she was gingerly trying to clean up Yam.

The kitten was certainly unpredictable.

The little orange tabby was purring and hissing with each gentle swipe of the wet wash rag along his fur, as she was trying to get off some of the dirt and debris, while shoveling in bites of chicken with a ferocity that was stunning.

She thought about giving him some milk and bread, but he looked a lot older than a teensy baby kitten. His eyes were opened, he wasn’t wobbly in the slightest, but just a puff ball of attitude and sass that she adored…

“Do you want to work on the café today?” Kyle said easily as he poured two cups of coffee, before walking them over towards the little table beside the window in the breakfast nook. He returned to the kitchen, turned off the burner, and slid another pancake onto a plate… before setting them down on the table. “Breakfast is ready.”

“I was planning on taking a few things over to start decorating it, maybe moving a few items from upstairs, but I didn’t want to wear out my welcome with you,” she replied openly. “I like this and…”

“I do too,” he interrupted, holding out a hand towards her. “C’mon and eat – and please don’t worry about ‘wearing out your welcome’, because if I couldn’t go or didn’t want to? I would say something.”

She nodded shyly, feeling a little self-conscious.

“Turns out,” Kyle smiled playfully, putting a finger under her chin, “I want to be supportive, help, and get to know you better. I ‘yam’crazy about you and want to spend as much time as I can near your side.”

Reyna smiled at him, touched by his words and the way they were delivered, as his thumb brushed against her lips. His eyes were warm, full of emotion, and she could easily lose herself in their colorful hazel depths.

Reaching up, she laid a hand on his cheek tenderly, her thumb brushing against the corner of his lips, almost mimicking his movement.

“Turns out that I ‘yam’crazy about you too…” she breathed softly.
