Page 42 of Courageous Touches

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He pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly, before hugging her. She felt him kiss the top of her head, before resting his cheek against her hair, and listened as he spoke.

“Who knew the little blue house on Grant Road would be full of all these wonderful yams, wishes, hopes, and dreams?”

“My favorite yams, wishes, hopes, and dreams…”

“The very best ever,” he replied tenderly.


Reyna was surprised at how fast the morning went by – and how wonderful it was to have Kyle simply there, in her world and her home. It was strange to think how peaceful it was to have someone that she considered a friend so close by.

He cut up and cracked jokes while they did the dishes together… until Yam started to climb up the back of his leg, pulling on his sweatpants – which sent his hands flying immediately for his waist band.

She had laughed for several minutes straight, having to get a paper towel to wipe the tears off her face. Yes, Yam was quite a character, and brought such a sense of life to a space that she hadn’t realized was so barren and lonely – and combined with Kyle being there?

The house felt like ahome…

Kyle left for a while to get some things handled, giving Reyna a chance to get showered, changed, and check on Yam. She texted Kyle and told him that she was going into Tyler to get some items for her new kitten.

Hey there – I will be going to the café later.

Want to join me for a cup of coffee?

Love to! Just say when…

I’m getting Yam a few goodies, then gotta pick up the boxes I have here to bring over. I thought of a theme and can’t wait to share!

Can I help with anything?

She smiled happily, realizing that it was so wonderful to have someone that was supportive, fun to be around, and simply the best person she had ever met… and it was by chance!


Sorry – was just thinking. Bring a hammer, nails… and that handsome smile.

You got it, babe!

Reyna hesitated and heard Yam meow from the floorboard of her car where he sat mulishly watching her from his box.

“What?” she whispered to the cat. “I know, but we’ve got to get you a litter pan, some snackies, and a few toys… plus you need a legit bath that I am not looking forward to in the slightest.”

Yam meowed again.

“This is crazy because I just met him, you know?” she said softly. “But I really like him so much – and I think I’m starting to fall for the sweet guy. I mean, he’s just so nice! I could use a little ‘nice’ in my life…”

Her phone dinged in that moment, and she glanced at the screen, catching her breath.

I know I should tell you to your face, but I get nervous and tongue-tied around you. Reyna you are incredible and I’m so happy that you have given me a chance to win you over. I’ve never been happier than seeing you smile at me… so thank you.

She hesitated, unsure what to say, and realized that maybe this was indeed what she was hoping, something so special and wonderful growing between them, flaring to life.

He texted again a moment later.

Too much? I’m sorry. Just forget my dorkiness – I was single for a reason when we met. I’m pretty lame when it comes to dealing with girls.

Reyna replied, smiling.

No, you aren’t… you were just waiting for me.

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