Page 50 of Courageous Touches

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Kyle and Andy began searching rooms, trying to make sure no one was present, while Austin cleared the hose.

“I’ve got more line and coming,” Austin suddenly chimed in, causing Kyle to turnaround, returning to meet his teammate.

“Clear in here…” Andy called, moving past them like some ghoulish zombie; his yellow jacket was barely visible as the smoke seemed to curl around him in the dim light streaming through the windows nearby.

“We are engulfed in smoke,” Kyle amended. “Visibility zero.”

“I need that line in here,” Andy called. “I’ve got heat and smoke…”

Kyle and Austin both dug in their feet, bracing themselves as the massive amount of pressure suddenly surged forth, filling the space. The smoke curled upwards, becoming even thicker, waiting for Andy to reappear somewhere around them or to feel a hand pat either of them, some voice, something to acknowledge contact.

“Andy, where are ya, bud…?”

“I’m here – and we’re leaving.”

His terse voice immediately put Kyle on edge.

Normally Andy would just communicate with Chase, and rarely did he ‘call it’ unless they were in danger. Nothing hit home so much as having the lead man tell you to back out of a situation… especially when you couldn’t see a thing around you.

“What’s wrong?” Chase called out – and Kyle accidently bumped into Austin or Andy, falling to the ground.

“I’m down, hold on.”

“Did you break through?” Andy said, his voice alarmed and terse.

“Naw, fell on my butt…” Kyle admitted, getting up in the bulky uniform and trying to get his bearings in the darkness swirling around him. “Break through? Where are you two?”

“I’m in front of you.”

Kyle stepped forward and hesitated, feeling a soft spot in the floor.

“I feel heat…”

“Hang on, and don’t move.”

Kyle felt his heart hammering in his chest, fighting the feeling of panic rising up inside of him. Getting lost or disoriented during a fire could be deadly – and if Andy was worried that he’d fallen through the floor? That meant things were serious, and they needed to get out of there fast before something collapsed or crushed him.

“Andy, you got him?”

“Not yet…”

“I’m near a desk or table,” Kyle volunteered, feeling around him blindly. “I can’t see anything, and the smoke is getting thicker. I’m sliding my boot on the floor trying to find a hose or something…”

… And made contact, only to feel the floor start to give again beneath him.

“I’ve got him,” Austin called.

“Floor’s going!” Kyle yelped in alarm, reaching bodily for the man who was grasping at him yet backing away at the same time. If the floor gave, it would take both of them, and Austin was his only chance at hanging on if he went through… and they both knew it.

“Back up,” Kyle ordered. “And don’t let go of me!”

“I’ve got you!”

“Chase! We are losing ground, do you copy? I need a hose on the roof NOW!” Andy called out. “Fire in the attic! Fire in the attic! We’ve got a floor collapsing.”

“Copy that! Justin – to me! I need another live line and you guys need to exit now!” Chase yelled in the mic, echoing in their helmets.

“I’m not leaving Kyle…”
