Page 55 of Courageous Touches

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She smoothed back his matted hair from his forehead and gazed into his exhausted eyes, seeing that tenderness in those beloved depths as she realized that he could have seriously been hurt or killed today.

“Who’s gonna rescue me in the middle of the night and wax my countertop, if you get hurt, my sweet Kyle…” she whispered openly, smiling at him.

“Is that code for something?” Austin muttered to the other firefighters in a hushed whisper. Andy beamed and gave him a thumb’s up. “Pleeeeasetell me that is some new slang term, because it sounds exceedingly kinky… and now I really wanna wax a countertop.”

She heard Kyle laugh shyly, sounding so gravelly and rough, right before he coughed in the plastic mask as he glanced at his friends, then back at her. His cheeks were pinkish under the sooty smears, making him look even more wonderful than ever before.

“I knew ma’ boy had it in him…” Austin cheered softly – as Andy elbowed him again, and the chief slapped him on the back of the head softly, before ushering them all out again.

She remained there, gazing at Kyle, and brushing back his hair again with her fingertips. He looked at her for several moments, before the machine nearby whizzed noisily and the blood pressure cuff tightened on his arm.

“I like your friends,” she smiled. “A bit weird, but their hearts are in the right place.”

“Like… mine,” he whispered, lacing his fingers with hers, causing her to look down to see his tanned, soot covered hand linked with hers, the contrast stark as she realized there was no other hand she would ever want to hold in this world – and how fleeting life could be.

Reyna looked up at him, meeting his hazel eyes.

“I love you,” she breathed tenderly, feeling tears well up as she stared at him. “You’ve got to promise to be careful, take care of yourself, so Yam and I can continue to be a part of your world.”

“I love… you, too,” he croaked out softly, his own eyes glassy with unshed tears as he gazed at her. “So much so… and I promise.”

“Good,” she smiled, wiping her eyes, before lifting up off the seat to lean forward, moving his mask for just a few moments to brush her lips against his for a brief kiss. She could smell the smoke, taste the tar, and realized just how badly things must have been for him.

She started to turn away to get him some water, help clean him up, and see if he needed anything else – only to feel Kyle tug her hand sharply, making her feel a moment of alarm as he released her hand almost immediately.

“Kyle…” she blurted out, suddenly afraid. Had he passed out? Did something happen?

She turned to see that he’d yanked off his oxygen mask again and was grinning at her – and wagged his eyebrows at her, a silent invitation for her to kiss him again. Laughing, she returned to his side, leaning forward, and kissed him happily… only to hesitate, wrinkling her nose.

“It smells like I’m kissing a piece of charcoal.”

“Then how about a raincheck? I’ll kiss you the right way when I get out of here, and smell all wonderful for my pretty girl,” he said gruffly, his eyes warm with emotion as he smiled at her.

Reyna grabbed his mask, smiled wryly, and put it back over his face, before leaning down to kiss the outside of it pertly.

“It’s a deal,” she murmured tenderly.

* * *

Reyna was therefor a few more hours, washing down Kyle’s uninjured arm, face, and neck… just as the nurse and doctor walked in – along with Austin.

“AWWW maaaaannnn… Kyle gets a sponge bath, too? No fair! I had smoke inhalation too, you know?” Austin whined openly – only to have Justin drag the other firefighter back out of the room as everyone started laughing openly, including Kyle.

“A little laughter is good for you, young man,” the doctor began easily. “It helps get everything out of your lungs, not to mention - laughter is also good for the soul, or so I hear.”

“So is she,” Kyle said smiling at Reyna – who instantly melted at his words.

“Well, I’m going to take your fellow for a little while, run a few tests, and then we are going to see about wrapping this limb in a cast so he can go home in the next day or so,” the doctor said easily. “Does that sound good, Mr. Rimes?”

“Sounds… perfect,” he agreed, sounding sleepy again.

“You need to let them take care of you, get some rest, and I’ll come back in a little bit. I’m going to go feed Yam…” Reyna began, only to feel Kyle touch her hand.

“You don’t… have to… stay,” he offered quietly.

“My world is here,” she replied softly, pulling her hand from his and touching his face once again. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”

“I’ll be waiting,” he smirked, causing her to chuckle at the playfulness he was displaying. Yes, he was feeling much better and would be alright, she realized gratefully.
