Page 61 of Courageous Touches

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Reyna turned and smiled at her new friend, nodding.

“Actually, I think I am going to need a cake and possibly a little help.”


Two months later…

Valentine’s Day

Reyna smiledand stared in disbelief at the wonder that the entire team had worked overnight. It was surprising to think that this day was finally here – but she was more than ready for them to start their lives together officially as one.

Kyle had spent this last weekend helping finish up a few loose ends as his cast was cut off Friday, giving him instant relief from the itching, sweating, and the annoyance of having it present all the time.

They were going to be having the small ceremony at the fire station – and the reception at the café… which was closed for the next few days.

The station was decorated beautifully, and there were three rows of chairs for the small event – along with a playpen to hold a couple of children in a contained area for the brief moment in time.

Dixie and her husband were at the café, setting up the wedding cake, and would be coming by soon. Kyle went to pick up her mother, and was using it as an excuse to give her time to get ready without worrying about being seen.

Turns out that his crew was extremely superstitious – which made her nervous about her dress.

Kyle informed her a few days ago that there were unspoken rules the team had, because they believed things could bring about bad luck. You never said ‘goodbye’before heading out to a fire – you always promised to ‘come back’.

You never cleaned your helmet, only the visor.

After a run, you always put your suspenders over your boots and your helmet has to be facing a certain way on the shelf… and you never, ever wore someone else’s helmet.

That was a huge ‘NO’ for the team – and she worried she might be rocking the ‘boat’ a little too much.

Reyna had always had in mind that she didn’t want to be married in a white dress. She wanted something that would be just her, memorable and something that would mark the occasion, a memento that could be passed down that wasn’t white satin like every other wedding dress you found in some bridal shop.

… And her dress was certainly original!

She had changed in the restroom and heard the announcements overhead, remembering this was an active fire station – despite Kyle being off work. His team was on their ‘off’ schedule and he had to return to duty in seventy-two hours, hence the reason the café was closed. It was the other team being called up for response to an emergency – not Kyle’s team.

They were going to celebrate their wedding, at home.

There were white flowers besides each row of chairs – and a small table covered with a white tablecloth. Their fire truck, engine forty-seven, was pulled out in front of the station with its lights on and no siren going, as if to alert the world that they were there and ready.

“Reyna?” she heard Kyle knock and jumped slightly, looking at her reflection in the mirror again nervously.

“Don’t come in,” she replied, her voice warbling with emotion and fear.

“I’m not, but I did want to take a moment for us before we walked into the engine bay before everyone and said our vows,” Kyle said, and she saw the door open slightly – just seconds before his hand stuck out into the air, waiting.

“I needed to hold your hand and I’m a little nervous,” he began – and she felt her nose sting with unshed tears as she recognized that sweetness within him.

How had she ever thought that ‘nice’was a bad thing?

Reyna stood back behind, just out of sight, and reached out her arm, linking her fingers with his as she placed her other hand on the wooden door.

“Is it wrong that I feel stronger when I hold your hand?”

“No,” she whispered openly. “I do, too – and I’m really glad we are taking a moment for ourselves. I’m extremely nervous as well – and afraid I might have messed up something.”

“You couldn’t do anything wrong today – and I hope you know that.”

“Hold my beer,” she teased.
