Page 64 of Courageous Touches

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The whispers, the sighs of understanding, and a few comments slipped through that she tuned out, but apparently Kyle caught, as she heard him chuckle slightly as they came to a stop before the pastor - who was smiling at them.

Reyna stepped in front of him, releasing his arm, to take his hands in hers as he stood there obligingly with his eyes closed and smiling… waiting.

“I ‘yam’so in love you,” she whispered softly.

“I ‘yam’in love with you, too,” he said tenderly, smiling at the inside joke they shared. “And I am so grateful to finally be here with you in this moment.”

“Open your eyes,” she urged tearfully.

He stood there for a few moments, as if he was trying to savor this experience as well, because it was a once in a lifetime moment for them both. They would never have this reveal ever again, and she couldn’t wait to see his breathtakingly beautiful eyes as he saw her for the first time as his bride.

She was so proud of him.

Proud of who he was and what he was able to do for a living, how he pushed her to accomplish her own goals, yet somehow managed to make everyone he met feel special through it all, like her mother and Mrs. Kendall.

He was just all of this and more - in one wonderful package that was just so stinkin’nice… so much so that she’d fallen madly in love with the incredible man before her.

Those tawny lashes lifted, and his beautiful hazel eyes widened as he stared at her in a mix of shock, wonder, and disbelief… before it melted into so much love that it brought tears to her eyes – and his.

He choked back a sob, covering his face with his hands, as a tearful laugh escaped her – only to have him pull her into his arms, hugging her as he cried, completely overwhelmed.

Reyna had taken so much care to select the perfect gown – and then modified it. She had found a white sheath gown that fit her incredibly without any pearls, sequins, or beads all over it… and promptly dyed it red.

A bright, romantic, bluish-red that made her think of Valentine’s Day.

Purchasing dozens of white gossamer scarves, she cleared out every shelf that had them for sale in the area, no matter the size. It took her several days, working late into the night, to carefully dye each one in various shades of red, orange, yellow, and a few remaining ones were left white… to match her veil that was tinged orange along the bottom.

She had painstakingly pinned each scarf to the waist of her dress, moving them around, to get the effect she wanted, before sewing them into place and covering her stitches with a black belt that had ‘Mr. and Mrs. Rimes’ embroidered on the back, with a buckle she’d borrowed from the chief that looked like a hat emblem.

“You like it?” she whispered softly, stroking the back of his hair with her hand as she held him. “I wanted to show you how proud I was of being your wife – and how much I love my firefighter.”

Kyle released her, pulling back only slightly as he gazed at her with so much love, pride, and joy that it was humbling. His cheeks were wet from tears, and he couldn’t stop smiling, as he quickly wiped them away.

“I seriously don’t deserve you,” he whispered openly.

“I think the same thing every time I look at you,” she replied tenderly, reaching up to touch his cheek.

“Will you marry me?”

“Always,” she said tearfully, beaming at him.

He clasped her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing her knuckles before turning towards the pastor. Reyna stood there at his side proudly, resisting the urge to look at him again in his dress uniform that fit him so beautifully.

His trim, gorgeous, black uniform was part of the inspiration for her dress – everything on him was a badge of honor… and she wanted to be one as well, on his arm and at his side, as she took his name for her own.


Standing there beside him, the pastor began to speak to the crowd, discussing what marriage meant, true love, and devotion… his words a blur as Reyna only had eyes for Kyle, meeting his gaze several times as she nearly tuned out what was being said around her – only to have Kyle suddenly turn to her, taking both hands in his.

“When I first met you, I was incredibly intimidated and a little alarmed, because I had just been sold off like a slab of meat to a butcher…”

“Prime Holstein, too! – ma’ boy is my favorite heifer!” Austin jeered, standing up and thumping his chest twice before giving Kyle a peace sign and kissing his fingertips. “Love ya, man!”

Several people were chuckling, including Kyle and Reyna as he made a peace sign, kissed his fingertips, and held it up to Austin in the air as a sign of camaraderie.

“A bull… you dork!” Chase hissed loudly, tugging on Austin’s suit jacket, trying to get him to sit down. “A heifer is a girl moo-cow - a bull is a male moo-cow.”

“Oh,” Austin replied, looking dejected, and flopped down in his chair. “Never mind, please continue.”

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