Page 9 of Courageous Touches

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Reyna watched as he moved behind the counter and knelt, inspecting the cases and woodwork, before standing up… and looking at her.

“How about painting the walls only…” he began. “This counter has dovetails, and it’s notched. There’s old penny nails and it’s put together with pegs in a few places. I mean, if you want it painted – fine – but it would be a real shame. Someone put a lot of work into building this thing in place, and I’m willing to bet that glass is original… I can see a few ripples or bubbles from here.”

Listening to him, she stared at the case again with new appreciation and then looked back at him.

“What would you do… Kyle,” she said nervously, using his name and feeling a little confused as she looked around.

Her mind had been set on painting things to start afresh, but it had seemed like a shame – now he was suggesting keeping the massive case, along with pointing out other things that needed updating?

“I would polish this, paint the walls, and make a few updates… but use the character of the building for whatever you have intended here,” he began quietly, and then smiled at her.

That single glance, that easy smile, nearly set her back on her heels as she realized just how appealing it was… and how there was no guise or guile in that open expression.

He was being completely transparent and offering his genuine opinion.

“I was going to put a café in here…” she whispered.

“I could see that,” he nodded easily. “A few treats behind the glass, maybe some little tables, and you could really set the mood with a few decorations. I think the nearest bakery, coffee shop, or café is Dixie’s over in Yonder – or the big Starbucks in Tyler. There just isn’t a lot of places to enjoy a good cup of Joe.”

“You don’t think it’s silly?”

“Not at all,” he replied. “Everyone drinks coffee… you know? I would come here when I had free time – and probably pick up coffee for the team, too. Maybe I could even persuade you to join me in the first cup of coffee?”

Reyna hesitated, running a finger along her collar. He was watching her with this uncertain look on his face and a slight, shy smile. What was it about him that was so adorable and seemed to strike a chord?

It certainly was getting warm in here, because she was feeling quite flushed and needed to put distance between herself and Kyle.


“I should be going,” she replied. “I’ve got to pick up the paint, the toilet, a new fixture, and…”

“I’ve got a ladder I can throw in the back of my truck,” Kyle offered quietly. “It’s okay about the coffee. I didn’t mean to make things weird or uncomfortable. Do you need help installing the toilet? I can do that easily for you, too…”

“Let’s see how the painting goes,” Reyna said evasively. “I don’t want to take advantage of your help, and already feel bad that hiring you was a fraction of the cost of a painter.”

“Can I be honest?” Kyle began, a smile touching his face that caused Reyna to smile without realizing it as she tugged at her collar again.

“Of course.”

“I’m really glad you bid on me for a few reasons,” Kyle grinned. “First and foremost? Mrs. Kendall is a terror and going to drive me out of town one of these days… and second?”

He hesitated.

“Yes?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’m really glad that I didn’t go for much cheaper,” he admitted, as Reyna let out her breath in a rush. “My male pride didn’t want to be the K-Mart Blue Light Special, you know?”

What was she expecting him to say? That he was interested in her? Glad she won? He wanted to go out with her, and painting was second best?

Instead, it was the money… and his pride.



“Of course,” Reyna said easily, nodding. “I can certainly understand that – and we can meet here next Friday, if that works for you?”

“I can be here at eight AM – then you have me for the whole day,” he agreed, and she brushed off a momentary blip of joy that flared to life like an ember and then faded away, burnt out much too soon…
