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I blink and frown. “Your sister?” I repeat as I think through his words. “Wait a minute. Are you setting me up?”

“Of course not. I trust you well enough.”

“Yeah, I remember you mentioned her a few times before.”

“Yes. My baby sis. She loves art. She’s got a degree in business, but she minored in Art history. I haven’t asked if she’d be interested yet, but I’m sure she will.”

Knowing my tendencies with women, I’m surprised he’s offering this. But I guess he trusts me well enough, even though I don’t trust myself.

“Sounds nice. Send her over for an interview. You know, just for formalities.”

“Great. She’ll love that. Thanks man.”

“It’s nothing. I think we should head back to the party. I got art to sell and you’ve got a date to get back to. A good man never leaves his date waiting for too long.”

He laughs. “I hear ya man.” He stops me before I can pour myself another glass. “Any more swigs of that and you’ll be wasted. Let’s head back out.”

I roll my eyes but oblige. “Alright..Dad.” I chuckle with sarcasm.



My elder brother is home for the first time in over six months. That means I’m being forced to join in at a family dinner, where I’m dead certain my mom will act like she’s been the perfect mother, and our mother-daughter relationship is the greatest thing on earth.

As I step into the dining room, the aroma of freshly cooked pasta fills the air. The table is elegantly set with fine china and polished silverware. Candles flicker, casting a soft glow over the room, creating an atmosphere that should be warm and inviting.

However, there is an underlying tension that lingers, like an unwelcome guest at this family dinner. No one else seems to feel it though, aside from the ‘black sheep’ of the family. On days like this I wish my dad was here, sometimes I wish it was my mom who passed away all those years ago and not him, but my wishing has changed nothing, and it never will, so I’m just learning to live with it, as terrible as it gets at times.

My mother sits at the head of the table, a bright smile on her face that doesn't quite reach her eyes. Her perfectly styled hair frames her face, accentuating her flawless makeup. She looks like the picture-perfect image of a loving mother, but I know better. I know the true nature of what lies beneath her carefully constructed facade.

Beside her sits my older brother, Dean, who seems to be the embodiment of everything our mother desires. He's the successful one, the golden child who can do no wrong in her eyes. His golden hair is perfectly styled, and his expensive suit fits him like a glove. He smiles warmly at me, but I can see the concern in his eyes.

I take my seat, trying my best to ignore the tension that hangs heavy in the air. My mother's eyes dart towards me, and for a moment, I see a glimmer of something in them. Is it guilt? Regret? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it's not genuine affection. That woman doesn’t have a heart, I swear it.

"Hello, Lily dear." She says, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness. I just might puke. "I'm so glad you could join us for dinner tonight. It's been ages since we've had a proper family meal."

I grit my teeth, mimicking her in a poor imitation of her overly sweet tone of voice but only loud enough for my ears. ‘Yes, well, it's not like I have much of a choice, do I?" I reply, my voice laced with bitterness. "You practically forced me to be here."

A flicker of annoyance crosses my mother's face before she quickly masks it with a smile and it edges me on. I would love to see how long she can keep the act up. "Oh, Lily, don't be so dramatic. I simply wanted us all to spend some quality time together. Is that too much to ask?"

"Quality time?" I scoff. "Since when has spending time with you ever been 'quality'? It's always just been about you and Dean."

My brother shifts uneasily in his seat, his gaze shifting between my mom and me. All of this is nothing new to him. I guess we can say this is the best dinner we’ve had in a while. Over five minutes in and there’s been no insults hurled at me from my mom. I guess we’re making progress, baby steps, but progress nonetheless.

“Oh C’mon Lily. You’re barely ever around. Half the time you’re at your friend’s place. What’s her name again?”

“Christie.” My brother cuts in before I get a chance to speak. He shoots me a sideways look. Good thing I already briefed him about how strained my relationship with mom is not too long after he got home and in his little way, he’s trying to help smooth things over. “Her friend from high school.”

“Yeah, right.” My mom says, her words muffled by her food as she shovels it down her mouth.

“I’m only at her place all the time because unlike here, her place is a lot more…what’s the word again?” I trail off, finally digging into the pasta, which is surprisingly delicious. It’s been so long I tasted any of my mom’s meals I almost forgot how good a cook she is. From the corner of my eye, I can see her jaw clench and unclench. Her eyes seem to say, ‘Don’t ruin this night for all of us’ and that’s my cue to do the exact opposite. “Comfortable.”

“Lily…” Dean, my elder brother, says gently. I know he’s trying to placate me, but I can't stand being babied. Not anymore. “Language.”

“Sorry Dean. I couldn’t help myself.”

I flash him a smile. It comes out more bitter than I intended, but I refuse to apologize for what I said.
