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Frankie affected a horrified expression. "I'll show you in a moment, but the better question is how a Mumu found its way into Mia's wardrobe." She shifted her gaze to her friend. "Even your grandmother doesn't wear them."

Mia shrugged. "It's long and roomy and hides my legs, so I don't need to drape a blanket over them when I hang out by the pool. It's way too hot outside for that." She pulled the floral monstrosity out of the bag. "It's actually a pretty print. And the fabric is so soft that it's like wearing a nightgown." She pinned Frankie with a hard look. "This is not the time to think about fashion and looking good. It's about healing and not having anything rub against your wound."

Frankie was dying to tell Mia that she was almost healed and could probably wear her yoga pants and a T-shirt, but she had to maintain the charade even in front of her best friend. It felt wrong, but then Mia had hidden plenty of stuff from her and Margo as well, and for a good reason.

"Fine. I'll wear your Mumu. Now, hand me the mirror and the brush." She grimaced. "I'm scared to look at myself."

"You look fine." Mia brought the chair closer to the bed and handed Frankie the bag. "Considering that you were injured, that is."

"Was that supposed to cheer me up?"

It had done the opposite, and as she pulled the compact mirror out of the bag and flipped it open, she braced herself for what she was about to see. It wasn't as bad as she'd imagined.

She looked like roadkill, but not one that had been rotting for days.

Pulling out the brush, she started working on the tangles in her hair. The nurse had washed it with a special moist towel that was made just for the purpose of cleaning the hair of a patient who couldn't shower, so it wasn't gross, but it was all tangled up and sticking in all directions.

If she needed proof that Dagor loved her for who she was and not because he just lusted after her, she'd gotten it and then some. He hadn't left her side unless it was absolutely necessary and had fussed over her like a good boyfriend should.

He hadn't declared his love for her yet, but he would soon. She'd get it out of the stubborn god.

"Much better." Frankie put the brush back in the bag

"Did you call Margo?" Mia asked.

"Not yet, why?"

"I need to know what to tell her if she calls me."

"Don't tell her anything. If she asks about me, tell her that I will call her and tell her myself."

Mia grimaced. "We are talking about Margo. She will be on me like a dog on a bone."

Frankie waved a dismissive hand. "I'm much worse than she is. Just pretend like you don't know anything, and if need be, I'll back you up."

Mia's eyes narrowed slightly, not in a squint but enough to sharpen her gaze, giving the impression that she disapproved, but she knew better than to argue with Frankie. "I should get back." She put her chair in reverse. "I need to start getting ready for the wedding."

"When is the ceremony?" Dagor asked.

"Eleven at night. It got postponed because of everything that has happened, but it's all good. Immortals like to celebrate late at night for some reason."

"Maybe it's because they don't need to sleep as much," Frankie said.

"I guess." Mia cast her a smile. "Maybe you will feel up to it by then. I have a portable wheelchair I can loan you, and Dagor can push you."

Frankie lifted the tent-like dress. "I'm not showing up to the wedding wearing this."

"Of course not." Mia rolled her eyes. "I have a very nice evening dress that is not clingy and will look incredible on you. It's pearl pink, shimmery, ties at the neck and cascades down to the floor, or the footrests in our case."

Frankie turned to Dagor. "I would like to at least witness the ceremony. I heard that the goddess makes up a new one for each wedding, and I'm curious what she will do for her youngest daughter."

"Call me," Mia said. "Or better yet, I'll just ask Toven to bring the chair to the clinic, and I'll drop the dress at your cabin. If you decide to come, you'll have everything you need."

"Thank you." Frankie blew her friend an air kiss. "You are the best."

"Right back at ya, bestie."

