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Together they turned to face her mother, who beamed happily at them.

Slowly, the hall hushed, and every eye fixed on them and the luminous goddess presiding over the ceremony.

Annani's eyes shimmered as she smiled at them. "Tonight, we gather not just to celebrate the union of two souls but to acknowledge the power of love, resilience, and compassion. Amanda and Dalhu, your journey together has been unconventional in many ways. You proved that former enemies could become not only lovers, but also life-long mates and that no difficulty was too great for true love to overcome." She paused, her gaze sweeping over the crowd before settling back on Amanda and Dalhu. "The beginning of your love story is the stuff of legends, and it will be told for many generations to come. It is therefore not a surprise that the day of your joining is also marked by extraordinary events. A magical amulet, the rescue of those twenty-three women from a terrible and short-lived future is, on the one hand, a reminder of the darkness that still fills this world, but it is also a reminder of the opposite. Our clan is a beacon of light piercing the darkness, even if no one knows its source. We are the champions of light, love, and compassion."

As tears prickled the backs of Amanda's eyes, she commanded them to retreat. It wouldn't do if she started crying and ruined her makeup.

Her mother continued, "Amanda and Dalhu, my youngest daughter and her formidable mate, your extraordinary love story is one of courage and transformation." She turned to Dalhu. "You came into our lives unexpectedly, to say it mildly, and your welcome was challenging, but you have done everything in your power to prove your love and dedication to my daughter, redeeming yourself and, in the process, gaining our respect. You have become a cherished part of our family."

Dalhu dipped his head. "Thank you, Clan Mother."

As another surge of emotion rocked Amanda, it became more difficult to hold the tears back, and then her mother turned to her, and Amanda prayed she wouldn't say anything that would cause the dam to burst.

"Amanda, my beautiful daughter. You have the heart of a lioness. Full of love, courage, and dedication both to your family and your life goals. Your journey with Dalhu is a reflection of your strength and your unequaled ability to see the good in others. Together, you've faced challenges with grace and emerged victorious."

Annani reached out, placing a hand on each of their arms. "Let your union be a symbol of hope and resilience. May your love continue to grow, to inspire, and to bring light into our lives."

Her mother turned to the guests. "Tonight, we celebrate the power of love to overcome any obstacle, to heal the deepest wounds, and to bring forth the brightest light. Amanda and Dalhu, may your marriage be blessed with endless love, joy, and the courage to face whatever lies ahead." She smiled. "Is there anything you want to say to each other before I place the rings on your fingers and tell Dalhu to kiss the bride?"

Dalhu dipped his head. "We do, Clan Mother."


Dalhu turned to Amanda and took her hands. Feeling the weight of every gaze in the room on him, some approving and some not, he couldn't remember the words he'd written and memorized.

"Look into my eyes," she whispered so low only he and her mother could hear. "Ignore everyone else."

Obeying her words, Dalhu locked his gaze with hers. In that moment, the room seemed to melt away, the murmur of the crowd fading into a distant hum. All that remained was Amanda, his gorgeous, courageous, smart mate, whose eyes were brimming with love, acceptance, and trust. She was his anchor, his calm in the storm.

"My love," he began, his voice strong despite his momentary freeze. "From the first moment I saw your picture, I was enthralled and obsessed by you, and that was before I knew who you were. Then, when I first saw you in person, walking down Rodeo Drive, you were so much more than a picture could ever convey, and I knew that I would move mountains to be with you." He smiled. "And as it turned out, that wasn't an exaggeration. You captivated, challenged, and changed me in ways I never imagined possible. You've shown me the true meaning of love, compassion, and partnership. I vow to cherish and honor you and to stand by your side through stormy seas and sunny days. I vow to support each of your dreams and goals, respect our differences, and nurture our love. I will be your confidant, your partner, and your best friend. I commit to being there for you in your moments of joy and your times of sorrow, to always listen with an open heart and mind. I promise to love you unconditionally, to protect you, and to be the best father to our daughter and, Fates willing, her brothers and sisters. You are my one and only, my truelove mate." He took the ring from Annani and slipped it on Amanda's finger.

Amanda's eyes shimmered with tears of joy. She looked radiant as she smiled at him, and he felt profound gratitude for the love she had for him, love he always felt like he didn't deserve.

And yet, this female who had become the center of his universe loved him without reservation.

"Dalhu, my love, my one and only, my mate." Amanda's voice rang clear and strong. "From the day you entered my life, you turned my world upside down and changed me in ways I couldn't have imagined. Fighting for you taught me courage, and keeping you taught me forgiveness. Both made me a better person, a better mate, and a better mother. Your unwavering love and dedication to me have become my anchor. I vow to stand by you through thick and thin, through good times and bad, with laughter and tears, and always with love and understanding. I vow to support your dreams, encourage you, push your boundaries, and catch you if you fall. I will be your anchor, your rock, and together we will overcome any challenge the Fates throw our way. You are my one true love, my destiny, and tonight, in front of everyone we love and who loves us back, I reaffirm our commitment to each other, our daughter, and her future siblings, Fates willing."

Amanda took the ring from her mother's hand and slipped it on his finger. The moment felt surreal, and the ring felt right, a tangible reminder of the commitment they had just made to each other.

"Mine." Amanda wound her arms around his neck and kissed him.

The room erupted in cheers and applause, but Dalhu was only dimly aware of the other people around them.

It felt as if he and Amanda were the only two people in the world.

He kissed her back, his arms winding around her back and his hands landing on the incredibly smooth skin of her exposed back.

She hadn't allowed him to see the dress before the wedding, and he had only seen the front, so it was a surprise to discover that her back was fully exposed.

Too exposed.

As a surge of jealousy coursed through him, he had to remind himself that most of the males present were her family, but even if they weren't, her commitment to him was so complete that he shouldn't begrudge others getting an eyeful of the perfection that was his mate.

As they pulled away, the cheers and applause suddenly became thunderous, as if the moment their lips parted, his singular focus on Amanda was broken.

The sound reverberated through Dalhu's body, and as he looked around and saw the sea of faces, all smiling and cheering for them, for him, he was stunned by the level of acceptance. He hadn't expected so many to approve of their princess's chosen mate.

Taking Amanda's hand, he turned toward their guests, lifted their conjoined hands, and smiled, really smiled, at the people who had welcomed him into their fold, grudgingly at first, and then wholeheartedly.
