Page 106 of The Senator

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“Your uncle’s chair is weighted. He has to be sitting in his chair to punch the combination to open the door. But you don’t weigh enough.” I huff out an exasperated breath. How convenient that they left out picking up and carrying a marble angel statue and carrying it across a pitch-black room.

We’re all going to die.

“Ellie, just get a good grip and go slow. You’ve got plenty of time. You’re doing great.” Mark chimes in. I resist the urge to flip him off again. I don’t have time for that. And honestly, it didn’t quite feel like me the first time, as gratifying as it was.

I grab the stupid statue. It’s monstrous. But I get a grip and figure out how to waddle with it between my legs.

“Awesome job.” Robbie says as I near the desk. I plop down in the chair and hoist the stupid thing up into my lap. “Like a pro, Ellie. Now sit and breathe while I give the instructions again. You hold down enter on the computer keyboard, and then with your left hand, hit the button under the desk. Go ahead and feel for the button, but don’t press it.”

I find it. The line in my ear goes quiet.Holy crap something is wrong. My uncle is coming. This is it, game over.I roll my lips in and smash hard with my teeth to keep any noise from slipping out.

“Okay. Just double checking. We’re ready. Go ahead and press the enter key, hold it down, and then push the desk button. Then release both.” I hold my breath and tap the key. I squint my eyes shut, ready for alarms and bombs and lights and who knows what else, then press the button.


Except a click in the bookcase, just like Robbie told me would happen.

“Perfect. Let’s put the statue back in place now.” I do. I’m sweating like mad by the time I move over to the bookcase. Sure enough, a section is pushed out by about an inch. I pull it away when Robbie tells me and find another secret bunker-type war room. Very much like my husband’s. It’s fully lit and less modern, but still has a million screens and even more weapons.

So many freaking weapons! Did I ever really know my uncle? My father? I definitely didn’t know Mark before, do I know him now?

Who cares! I am so done with all of this.

“Okay, almost in the clear.” Robbie sounds totally unaffected. Like he does this everyday. I guess he kind of does. “There are no security cameras in here, so we need you to use that camera button on your shirt. Walk to the center table and give us a good look, please.”

I go to the big center desk with papers all over it. Maps, ledgers, spreadsheets. There is a lot here.

Robbie’s voice goes more robotic. “Angle down a bit more, please.”

“You’re amazing, Ellie. This is amazing.” Mark adds, breathless.

“The spreadsheets, quickly flip through those for us in front of your torso.” I do. I wonder what they are seeing, not just on their monitors, but also when they look at these files. Are these sales? Records of weapons, drugs…slaves? “Good. Put that back exactly how it was, please. Do you see any maps?”

I file through everything in front of me. No maps. I give them a thumbs down.

“No problem. Move to the computer at the wall of screens, please.”

I do. There are a bunch of screens. I see border crossing centers, factories, and the house I’m standing in. “Can you get a good view of each screen one at a time please, just angle the button as best you can.” I put my finger under the button and hope I’m doing it right.

“Fuck me.” Mark whispers.

“That’s it. That’s what we need.” Robbie says. I want to ask what is, which screen, what are they seeing that I don’t? But I just wait. “Great, Ellie, go ahead and get back to your room now…okay, close that bookcase all the way, you should hear it pressurize shut…Yup. Okay, and the office door was closed, so pull that slowly, slow, quietly turn the handle…good. Okay, back up the steps. But take your time, you’re all set.”

I don’t take my time.

I hustle like I’m being chased.

I’m sweating, my mouth is dry, my head is pounding and I’m trembling badly again. The second I get into my room and close the door the relief comes through me, up from my stomach. I run to the toilet.

“Great job. Welcome to the team, Sunny.”

“Robbie,” Mark almost yells, “Can we not with the nicknames right now?”

“Her name means‘Sunshine from God.’She needed an alias.” I can almost hear him shrugging. And Mark is arguing with almost a smile in his voice. Meanwhile, I’m wiping vomit from the corner of my mouth.

“Goodnight Rob.” Mark scolds. There’s a pause. “Ellie, it’s just me. That was…I don’t even have the words. You’re incredible. I think I’ll be there by late tonight. I can’t wait. I don’t like you being in there on your own. Fuck, I’m so sorry I’m not with you…Again. But I’m coming. Get some sleep if you can, and we’ll monitor tomorrow, but you should be in the clear now.” I flush the toilet and close the lid to sit down.
