Page 125 of The Senator

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Eleanna: You too

I stare at my phone in awe. That’s definitely the longest text exchange we’ve ever had. Then another one comes through.

Mark: No reading! I’ll know!!!

I laugh and find the nearest security camera in the corner of his study. I’m not sure he’s watching, but just in case he is, I wink at it.

Mark: F.M.L.

The end of the afternoon and the evening hours drag on. I go to bed earlier than usual, just so I can text Mark. Every few hours, it’s like he’s revealing more of himself to me. Or at least giving me access, which I never had before. I’m sure this isn’t about the spying or the mission. But again, is it about me and about us, or is this really just all about Mark?

Eleanna: Goodnight

Mark: Hey sweetheart

Mark: I can’t chat like I wanted right now

Mark: But I’ll see you tomorrow

Mark: Ok?

Eleanna: Ok

I hate how disappointed I feel as I try to fall asleep. I don’t even want to read, which ticks me off. That he messed that up for me too. He has way too much power over me. Tomorrow, whatever it holds, I have to distance myself. I must protect myself. Keep my walls up.

I just hope I’m strong enough to do it.



I wake up with high hopes, then curse myself for it. I guess the heart wants what it wants. Stupid organ.

I take my time getting made up and fully dressed before going downstairs. I expect to see Mark in the kitchen with mugs of coffee. Or at least coffee for him and, finally, tea for me. But instead, there are flowers. A huge arrangement that…is exactly like my bridal bouquet. Only bigger. I smile and hunt for a note.


Prepare yourself for the best day ever. I think. I hope. Maybe not. Shit, I am not good at this. I’ll see you tonight. Text me a million times today. So many words. Selfies too.


Eleanna: Thank you for the flowers!

Mark: Incoming

The doorbell rings. I rush to get it, since Carmen isn’t in yet.

“Party’s here!”


“Wait, wait!” Mia yells as she stumbles out of a car in the drive.

Luna hugs me and we both laugh as Mia piles in and squeezes us both.

“How are you here?” I ask my best friend.

“You said ‘911 I need a girls day, come immediately,’ how could I not be here?” Luna says like I’m an idiot.
