Page 126 of The Senator

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They see my confusion. “I said what?”

Mia cocks her head. “You sent me the same thing.” I start to shake my head. “Holy shit…it was the senator. Who else could pick up your phone and send us texts?”

At that, I start to nod furiously, overselling their assumption. Mark hasn’t touched my phone, unless he snuck in while I was asleep. Which isn’t necessary because Robbie can do it all from his secret war bunker somewhere.

“Well, that’s sweet. Which makes me think, like, what the hell?” Luna laughs.

“I think he’s…apologizing.” I explain.

Mia lights up. “Oooooo,you gotta milk this, sis. Give him the silent treatment. Make him weep. Get him on his knees.” Luna and I both stare at my sister.

“Whatever shows you’ve been bingeing, maybe stop.”

We all break out into laughter again and head inside. Luna brought alcohol, Mia brought the unhealthiest snacks she could find, and as they unpack, I make sure to close up the big butler’s pantry where Mark’s coffee is. They didn’t see it last time, and now, I realize how crazy it is that Mark just has proof of his former life sitting out like he does. Maybe I should talk to him about it.

“Eleanna White, you better be ready to bake, bitch!” Tyson’s booming voice comes through the kitchen. I venture out to find him introducing himself to Luna. He’s met Mia once before.

“Ty?” I smile. “And what exactly did I text you?”

“You said you needed a Bublé day and then attached a shopping list as long as my arm?” He says, wondering why I’m asking about a text I sent.

“Bublé day?” Luna asks.

Mia groans. “She loves Michael Bublé. And Frank Sinatra and all the ancient music we were forced to listen to growing up.”

“I, for one, love iiiit.” Ty sing-goes. “And I see now why you said to bring an extra apron—Holy hell, what is this?” He screams at the new mixer.

“Right?!” I scream back.

“Nerds.” Luna laughs.

“Oh, he’s doing an apology tour. Thank God. It’s been a damn funeral home around here.” Ty says as he starts to unpack his big canvas bags of groceries and supplies.

“Yep.” Mia says, eyeing me. I get out my phone and she catches. me. “You are not texting him!”

“Don't I need to say thank you?” I look around at my favorite faces.

“No. Knees, Ellie. The man needs to be on his knees.” Mia wails dramatically.

“Agreed.” Tyson says before snatching my phone. He pulls up a playlist on it and gets the music going.

When they’re all bustling around Ty’s bags, I find a security camera and blow it a kiss. Then I do my best to forget about the cameras or the texting or anything other than the friends in front of me and the batter in my hands. It’s not hard. We drink and dance and bake throughout the late morning and early afternoon.

The doorbell chimes and Carmen, who has joined in the fun—on the condition she didn’t have to dance—goes to get it. She calls for me.

“What is it?” I say as I round the corner and see two women who look like maybe nurses?

“Hi, we’re an at-home spa service that I’m guessing was ordered by surprise.” One of the ladies says, annoyed. “I do massages and facials, and Ashley here does manicures, pedicures, waxing, brows and lashes.” They stare at me in anticipation.

“Wow, yes! Yes to all of that, come in.”

For the next couple hours, all of us are treated like queens. We pick and choose the treatments we want and take turns heading up to my gym where they set up their worktables. We rotate through services and in between we eat, drink and bake some more. Tyson had a specific dinner menu he was given, so we also work on those dishes as we go.

The technicians leave in the early evening, and as they go, I get anxious. Mark said he’d see me this evening. Should everyone be leaving now? Do I send them home? Is he coming to eat with me? I’m about to demand my phone back but the doorbell rings again.

“M-Mamá?” I stutter, staring out the door at my mamá, Papá, and both of my brothers. They look awkward and sheepish. Papá looks annoyed with the hint of a smile underneath. Mamá is ecstatic.

“Sí, bebita!Family dinner at your house, what a great idea. Why have we not done this already?” She pushes in past me. “Wow, it smellsincreíble!Is Mia here?”
