Page 52 of The Senator

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Mark: Thank you

Robbie: Not a compliment!

Mark: I’m taking it as one.

Zander: You haven’t had any military training, SENATOR

Mark: I was taught by my bodyguard, DWEEB

Robbie: No one with eyes will believe your guards taught you that

Mark: They will, they did.

Robbie: This was a slip. Don’t slip again.

Zander: There is no net for you, Mark.

Van: For any of us.

Mark: Understood.

Robbie: CAD

Mark: DAN

Van: DAN

Zander: DAN

Gialo: Dark as Night Mother Fuckers!!

I tuck my phone away as the encrypted messages self-destruct. Once they’re clear, I quickly leave the restroom. I had to step away to stop the incessant messaging. Robbie’s overreaction is predictable and understandable. But I was only doing what I had to do. I couldn’t stand within earshot of Eleanna’s family members and let that Russian asshole say those things. The rush of white-hot adrenaline through my body wasn’t anger about her honor, it was excitement that I finally got to pummel someone. And mother of all fucks did that feel good.

It took maybe two minutes to calm her family. Fausto is very levelheaded for a deranged, depraved maniac. I repeated what the dick said, the Delgados threw him out, and Fausto said to get myself under control. Wrist, consider yourself slapped.

What my wrist is, is fucking exhausted. And the dress, the whole persona that she’s wearing tonight is not helping matters. I mean, what the hell? Pink? Shimmer? A damn ponytail?

One thing was obvious. After having to actually search, which was beyond irritating, I spotted her across the ballroom and I knew. She didn’t dress up for me tonight. The dress isn’t backless.

I am surprised and annoyed at how much that irks me. And I’m irked further that I stood, pretending to listen to some asshole uncle, my mind wandering. I should’ve been focused on scanning my surroundings but no, I was wondering if she wore a dress with her back covered on purpose, or if she didn’t think about it at all.

Either way, as instructed, she is preparing to move on. To some other man. Fine. Good.



Stupid handsome smiley motherfucker. Hands rubbing her arms like she is his. As if I’m not right here. The blatant disrespect of this asshole. I don’t know if she has feelings for Zeno or not and I don’t care. He’s too young and dumb for her. She can pick someone else. As I reach them, having stalked over like a jaguar who’s spotted a lame fawn, I notice that she’s not wearing her diamond.The fuck?


“Are you alright?” She asks me, all breathless and flushed, her perfect tits heaving and totally on display. I have to concentrate to keep myself from watching them. The boy at her side is clearly having the same issue. I have a flashing instinct to literally reach in and rip his eyeballs from their sockets.

Which is crazy.

An overwhelming thirst for violence, bursting through my veins like it never left. An impulse I’ve spent decades burying, unearthed twice in the span of an hour because of this girl.Calm down, Mark. Don’t blow everything over a woman.

I extend a hand to pull her up. “Are you?”
