Page 53 of The Senator

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Zeno, the either really brave or really stupidass fucker, actually straightens by her side as I reach out. As if he’s going to keep her from me? Or protect her or something?I’m her protector, you prepubescent fuck face.My gaze snaps to meet his.

“I got her some water, I think she’s better now, right, Ellie?” He puts a hand on her thigh. At that, I pull her up out of her chair and into me. I wrap myself around her from behind like a lock and damn it, it feels good. She feels good. Touching me, me touching her. It must be the adrenaline.

“Eleanna will be fine when I get her home.Youwillnotbe fine if you lay a fucking finger on my wife ever again.” I turn us around, grabbing her hand in mine to lead her out of this hellhole. Behind us, Zeno mutters under his breath that I don’t deserve her in Italian. I almost pause to turn and tell him right the fuck off because, uh,no shit Sherlock, no one in here deserves to even look at her,but I remember Robbie’s warning. As far as everyone here knows, I don’t understand or speak Italian .

I get Eleanna in the car, still buzzing like a very angry hornet. She sits back, looking sexy as hell and still so stoic. For the first time, I can remember in my adult life, I chuck off my jacket, undo my tie, and roll up my shirtsleeves in front of another adult. I don’t even do it in front of my family because it makes everyone uncomfortable, including me.

But right now, I’m not uncomfortable at all. I sink into the seat and inhale. Coffee. The damn car even smells good. And the culprit behind this annoying development is staring again.

“Something on your mind,sweetheart?”

“Your hair.” She says softly.

“What? Spit it out.” I snipe at her, throwing all the anger I have in her direction because she happens to be sitting there. Looking like that.

“Your hair is totally messed up.” She says it like she’s in shock. Is she in shock?

“And? Are you unwell?”

She shakes her head, “Whatever. I’m fine, just over it.”


She shrugs, not looking at me. “Everything.”

“Okay, well, when you’re done havingwhateverkind of teenage tantrum this is, please remember to wear your damn ring. I don’t need the press buzzing around about how there’s trouble in paradise or we’re getting divorced or some shit.”

At this, she laughs, hard. And she just raises her brows at me.

“Yes, I heard myself. But until that time comes, you wear the fucking ring, Eleanna.”

Her laughs turn to stifled giggles, and I’m sure it’s just nervous energy, but I have to stop myself from laughing too. And I never laugh.

This damn woman.




What even was that!?

As cool water coats my skin at my sink, I think I’m finally coming down out of the shock. The high of feeling him lose it, for me, over me, around me.Twice.

The second time may not really count as losing it, telling off Zeno like that, but the first time? What is he, a secret ninja? With a death wish? He hasn’t had any military training so could he be a Fed? That is beyond unlikely with how insulated my family is. And how deepTío Faustodigs into people, just like Papá said.

I mean, I have been on the outskirts of brawls, and within earshot of duels, but I’ve never seen a man move like that up close. He was a blur. Like a freaking fictional superhero.

All that and still I think it was the second break in character that thrilled me. He told Zeno not to touch me. Not to touchhis wife.

But then on the other hand, what the hell? Because he clearly ordered me to move on. He told me to prepare myself. And then he cuts my legs out from under me, staking his claim. Will Zeno marry me later after all that tonight? Probably. Hopefully.

But the nerve.

This is too unfair. I have to draw the line somewhere.AndI want to know how he can move like that.

I put the washcloth down and leave my room without even thinking. In my stupor earlier, I walked straight to the sink and splashed water on my neck. So I’m still made up in my dress and jewelry, but barefoot. I have to pull up my skirt to stomp down the stairs. I almost hesitate before barging into his wing, but then I rememberhe’s a raging asshole.
