Page 56 of The Senator

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“Um, nice try, but I want the goods. We have yet to hear about the popping of the cherry.” Luna raises her eyebrows at me.

Mia piles on, “And all the popping since then!”

I shake my head but smile, trying to act like I would if I’d actually had sex with my husband. Last night was my first orgasm ever, and he wasn’t even touching me. He made it happen though, with his intense stare and his harsh instructions. He did that to me, no matter whose hand it was.

I blush at the memory, which is enough to make both my taste testers squeal with glee. “Shhh! I’m not sharing any details with you. It was amazing and worth the wait and that’s all I’ll say!” I whisper, even though I’m sure Carmen and Ty are not even in the house.

“I knew it!” Lu keeps going with glee. “Iknewhe’d have a giant dick.”

“Lu! I never said that!”

“You didn’t have to.” Mia says.

I throw a napkin at my sister. “And what would you know about it, anyway!”

That turns her attention back to herself. She looks at the ceiling and sighs. “True. And with the way Papá has upped security, I’ll never sneak away.”

“You have more guards with you now?” I ask, my pulse shooting up. The odds of her going through what I went through are too high for my liking.

“Yes, and more at the house, and no more wifi.” Mia wails.

Luna nods. “Myfamiglia’ssecurity is also clenched as tight as an asshole lately.”

My sister cocks her head, “You guys, too? What does that mean?”

“Don’t you guys know anything about the business?” Luna huffs in disbelief. “Seriously. You both need to eavesdrop more. Your uncle runs the South, but asproductflows North, territories are crossed. Basically, you all handle import, we are distribution. So are the other clans. If there are problems at the start of the funnel, it trickles through to all of us.”

Her summary of our lives makes me remember the size of my dowry. “Are we the only start of the funnel? The only way into the US?”

“No, of course not.” Luna laughs as if I’m an idiot. Which, when it comes to the workings of our family businesses, I am. “You’re just the biggest. Product comes in on the coasts, too, a tiny bit from Canada.”

“Product. Meaning guns and drugs and sex slaves.” Mia spits.

“Mia!” I gasp. “We do not bring in sex slaves!” I look to Luna as I say it, hoping I’m right. I have to be right. Mia looks to her as well.

“As far as I know, that’s correct. Not much in the way of weapons either. Just drugs.” She lowers her voice. “Like, a shit ton of drugs. All types and in insane quantities. No one comes anywhere close to your family.” We all sit in awkward silence. I wonder if Mark knows anything.


“Wait.” I start to think out loud. “Mark’s platform, didn’t he run onincreasedborder security?”

“Yup. So obviously, that was a lie. Whatever he has going on down there, he must be giving your uncle a workaround.”

I nod slowly. That makes sense, I suppose. It would make him a fraud, but he is a fraud. So, yes, it makes sense.

“Well, do you know what’s up? What’s the problem in the whole funnel thing?” Mia asks, sounding scared. Sounding every bit the innocent sheltered teenager that she is.

“Eh, whatever it is, they’ll handle it.” Luna shrugs. “Personally, I’m carpe-ing the crap out of this tumultuous diem.”

“Huh?” Mia asks, and I stare with the same expression on my face.

“With everyone looking South, I’m having our pal Vix take care of a little issue up north for me.” My best friend stops and takes a drink of coffee while we stare at her, waiting for an explanation. “I was supposed to marry some Canadian. A French syndicate. And while I’m sure the man is lovely, that does not fit in with my vision board. So our hacker bestie is planting some evidence to take him out of the picture.”

My mouth drops open as Mia whispers, “Forget T Swift. You are my new hero.”

“Lu! You’re messing with a mobster! With his life!”

“Sorella.”Her tone changes to one of determination and in that moment, I can see why Mia is staring at her like she’s the coolest person to ever live. She points to herself. “Iam a mobster. AndI’mnot letting anyone mess withmylife.”
