Page 80 of The Senator

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I lean forward, “It’s not me I’m worried about. This, this will crush her. She…”

“She loves you.”

I push back and run a hand over my hair. “I think she really does. Fuck if I know why. But she does and she’ll be distraught. She’s already hurt. Not just hurt, O,burned.”

He flattens his lips into a line before sighing. “I was sorry to hear about that.”

“Well? What do we know about that attack?”

He stands. “We don’t have time to discuss it. It’s being handled. A million moves are in play. You know the politics, the optics. You need to keep your eye on the prize. Robbie will fill you in when the time comes. Operation Dent is a go. Stay ready.”

I stand and nod.

He grabs my shoulder, hard. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too, O. You too.”

“Clear as day.”

“Dark as night.” I reply to his back, my voice garbled. He’s out the door and back into the wind.

I sit back down in the little metal chair, alone.

Damn it!

I knew what would be asked of me someday. I have prepared myself. The meetings, press conferences, back-alley deals, bribery, blackmail, every step between myself and the White House. Or as close as I can get.

But this?

This operation might kill me.

And it might kill my blushing bride back home.

I get up and start to change my flight plans. I want to get back to her immediately.


Fuck, she’s beautiful. And innocent. Even if she is a Delgado. She’s pure and sweet. And too good for me.

Maybe Operation Dent is what we need.

Separation, space.

For her.

So she can start envisioning her new life. A better life. With someone else, someone kinder, softer. Someone who is loving and who, like, shares shit. Someone open, honest. Someone better.

I tug on my tie much harder than necessary. Whoever he is, he’s a lucky bastard. And he will just have to wait his turn. I’m here now. I slide in and spoon her selfishly, knowing she’ll stir. Knowing she’ll sigh one of her sexy little moans. I make sure not to touch her bandages as I pull her into me.


Fuck me.

“Wake up, Ellie.” I whisper in her ear, unable to stop myself.

“What?” She mumbles.

“Wake up, I’m hungry.” I say as I turn her onto her back. I pull off her little red underwear and push up her sleep shirt. Her knees flop open to me as if her body is waking up much faster than her brain.
