Page 89 of The Senator

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He locks eyes with me again and goes on. “It was yourabuelowho gave the order, but it was your uncle who was there. Early in the morning, when it was just family in the shop, starting the machines, warming the ovens. We always went to school from the store, so we just played in the back or helped myabuelarestock the shelves. I loved that place.” He clears his throat. “And your uncle burned it down.”

I gasp.

“He burned it down with us inside. I don’t think they knew we’d all be in there but…but I know they heard the screams.”

“No.” I am crying.

“They heard the screams, Eleanna. My baby sister, my mamá. The doors were locked, and they didn’t let them out. I was in the walk-in fridge, I didn’t know what was happening until I heard a scream. I opened the fridge door and I was trapped there. Listening to the sounds of my family burning to death. I tried to make a run for it, to get to my sister. I fell in the flames. That’s the last thing I remember.”

“Mark.” I can barely say his name. Barely say anything.

“The next thing I remember is O’s face.”


“He has many names. I’m not sure anyone knows his real name. He explained that everyone in my family had died but me. He also told me it was your family that did it. That my father had made a mistake and his boss killed us all for it. All of us, because I was dead too. I couldn’t be Marco anymore. Not if I wanted revenge. And I did.” His voice goes deep and cold as he stares at the floor. “And I do, I do want revenge.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t… I can’t believe it.”

“Ah, but you can. You said it yourself. That he would kill us all for going against him.”

“For spying! For trying to take him down! Not for a simple mistake. Not women and children, he didn’t know, he couldn’t have know, he—“

“I know it’s difficult,” Mark cuts me off. “But if you search your soul, you know he’s capable. I’m not the only one who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, sacrificed, forgotten, caught in the wake of evil that isla familiaand all the others. I’m not the only one by a fucking long shot.” He balls his hands. “He needs to pay. And he will.”

“You’re going to kill him?”

“As much as I’ve dreamed of that, every damn day, no. That is not our M.O. Instead, the factions will kill each other, and at the same time, the Feds will catch bits and pieces, the press. Some will end up in a very public trial and go to death row. Or a lifetime in prison. Well,” He chuffs. “They won’t survive prison. Not after we’ve turned everyone against each other.”

“Papá? My brothers?” I sound almost as distraught as I feel. If this man could marry into the family right under Tío’s nose, maybe he really can take the whole organization down.

“No one will be spared.”


“That doesn’t mean they’ll die. And your brothers are so young, they won’t face the same fate as your Papá. They’re almost innocents right now. Mia, your Mamá, they won’t go to prison. They might end up destitute or in WitSec though.” He sees the panic across my face. “Not soon. This is a long war that’s only just beginning.”

“I can’t. I don’t…my Papá?” I sob now, a confused mess.

“He has blood on his hands, Ellie. You know that. I get that this is a lot. It’s painful to face the truth, peek behind the bloody curtain. But we have to. And listen, it’s not just your family or just the syndicates. All the dirty politicians too. All the corrupt cops and Feds. There is a massive network across the country and they’re making moves. We’re tracking now, watching. Like at the border. I’ve gained access to your uncle’s entire imports operation.”

I stand, anxiety shooting my legs straight as if they have a mind of their own. “I’m going to be sick.”

“I asked you.” He stands too, taking a step toward me. “I asked you if you’d choose me. If you’d choose us.”

“Us! There is no us! Everything is a lie!”

He inches closer, talking softly. “Not everything. You know me almost better than anyone.”

“Oh, well then, lucky me!”

“No, no one is lucky. No one wins, remember?” He steps even closer but I back up. “I know you didn’t ask for this. I didn’t either, Ellie. I didn’t ask to be born into this dark underworld. I didn’t ask to be burned alive. I didn’t ask to be raised as a soldier of revenge. To be shipped off as a political pawn at eight years old. To live a double lie my entire life. To be forced tojointhe family that killed my own and marry the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, only for her to look at me and see…see the truth. See me as the monster I am.”

We stand in stillness for a moment. He breathes heavily through his nose, watching me. I sniff and shake and try to stay upright.

I look at him. His hair has fallen over his face again. He’s pale and his five o'clock shadow has grown in. Is he? A Monster? A liar, yes. Maybe a sociopath. I think back to how quickly he took down that Russian at the party, how well he shot down the other men during our fake abduction. How he ordered his man to shoot me, all for show. Yes. Probably a monster. Trying to take down other monsters.Mymonsters. Which is why he married me in the first place.

“That’s why you chose me. I am the closest to him.” A new set of tears escapes.
