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"I know, but it still sucks when it happens."

"You can't save 'em all, Andrew. I hope you've learned at least that much in the eight years you've been working in Kentucky at that fancy horse clinic of yours."

Drew's lips twitched. It didn't matter that Wakefield was one of the most renowned and well-reputed equine clinics in the country. In Pops' eyes, the facility was just another animal hospital located in a different state from where his grandson belonged. "Yeah. I've managed to figure a few things out."

"The important thing is we saved the mare. And that was all you. " Zeke pointed a finger as thick as a cigar at Drew. "She was getting weaker by the second, and she'd never have been able to deliver on her own. You pulled that foal, saving her a helluva lot of extra work and her life in the process. That's a damned sight more important to O'Malley than saving the foal."

Drew realized his grandfather was right. But no matter the circumstances, the odds, or the bright side, Drew hated to lose an animal. "Yeah, he told me she comes from a good line. I'm hoping there aren't any complications precluding her from foaling in the future."

"You think there might be?"

Shaking his head, Drew finished off the water. "I didn't feel any internal tears or abnormalities. If she gets back on her feed in the next few hours and no infection sets in, she'll probably be fine. She's healthy and strong. For some reason, her body just rejected this foal."

"Best she lost it, then," Zeke concluded as he turned toward Lone Oaks. "Nature's way of taking care of things."

Drew thought about Hope and their baby, fear instantly gripping him in a stranglehold. What if there were complications with the pregnancy or problems with the baby and nature simply took care of things? Hell, they didn't even know if it was a boy or girl yet.

No! Drew refused to consider any alternative other than a healthy pregnancy and birth for both Hope and the baby. So far, everything seemed to be progressing right on schedule. And Drew would do everything in his power to ensure that continued.

No matter what.

"Your girl sure is a beauty," Pops' voice broke into his thoughts.


"You bring another girl home with you we don't know about?"

Drew laughed. "No. She's the only one." He'd wondered when Zeke would get around to inquiring about Hope and their status as a couple. He was surprised it had taken this long. "But she's not really my girl." At least, Hope didn't consider herself as such. Which made Drew wonder how she viewed her role in his life.



Baby mama?

Regardless of what labels he or Hope might assign to their relationship, being the mother of his child was indisputable

Zeke shot Drew another sidelong glance. "How many other girls you ever brought home with you?"

"There were plenty of girls around when we were growing up, Pops."

"Plenty of girls who foundtheirway to Lone Oaks," Zeke corrected. "I don't remember you actually bringing any of them."

As usual, his grandfather was spot on in his observation. Growing up, neither he nor any of his brothers needed to bring any girls to Lone Oaks. Most had no trouble making their own way to the farm on the pretense of coming to see the horses and cattle.

Except for Tess, Jack's best friend. She was always there. Like a part of the family.

"How long have the two of you known each other?"

"About five years."

"Five years?" Zeke shook his head. "Damn, boy, what the hell are you waiting on?"

Drew tried not to laugh. "Not everyone moves at the same pace as you, Pops." If Drew had heard the story once, he'd heard it a million times—how as soon as he'd laid eyes on the lovely Sarah Jane Holden, there wasn't anyone or anything going to stand in Zeke's way of making her his bride.

And he hadn't. Within a month, the two exchanged vows, and next February, they would celebrate their fifty-eighth year together.

"No point wastin' precious time when what you want is standing right in front of you. Might be something you want to think about." He shook his white head again. "Five damn years," he scoffed. "What if she'd met someone else?"
