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The interest in her gaze got to him. He could deny her nothing.

“I wanted to make a difference. Have the freedom to pursue the criminals who for one reason or another were not on the public force’s agenda. Contrary to the general belief, the private sector does not always pay well. Particularly when you poke your tuft in influential criminals’ affairs.”

“Did you… uh….” Lia hesitated, wrapping a somewhat wet lock of hair around one delicate finger. “Did you lose someone close to you? To get this desire to risk your life for justice?”

How does she know?

He must have asked that out loud, because her next words were, “I made a guess. See, my father is a police officer. Retired now but… yeah. He has told me more than once how he decided to join the force because his best friend got killed by a gang. One that no one dared act against because they were either afraid for their families or were paid to look the other way.”

“Did your father put the gang behind bars?”

A satisfied smile curved her lips. “Yes. Dad did what was considered impossible. Buuut he didn’t do it alone. He had his partner and another cop duo on his team. He was also single at the time, so he didn’t have a wife and child to worry about.” Lia snickered before adding, “He had the great plan of staying single until retirement so he would be able to always put the job first. But you know what they say about best laid plans.”

Dargus didn’t know, actually, but he got the picture. Particularly since it sounded very, very familiar. Yet another sign that the sacred bond had linked him with Lia for a reason.

“I lost my mother,” he admitted.

“Oh, no!”

“It was a space crime group – the Marsiopa – that took her life. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. My father never truly recovered from the loss of his mate.” Dabargus was but a shadow of the male he used to be. “Bargus took over for him, more or less. Not surprisingly, both of us chose the path of crime-fighting.”

“I’m so sorry, Dar. To have had such a difficult childhood.” Lia’s eyes were filled with compassion. Sadness for him too.

Dargus didn’t want her to be sad, so he changed the topic.

“Now I know why you think my plan will fail without a team,” he told her with a slight smile.

An answering smile lit up her face, washing the sadness away. “Don’t forget the wife part as well. You’re no longer single, Dar the Scourge of Space Scum.”

He laughed at the nickname.Bargus would love it. Still, Dargus had to use this opportunity to ask about a serious matter they had yet to discuss.

“It’s true that I’m no longer responsible for me and Cubbie alone.” The furball yawned on the nearest cushion at the mention of his name. “I have you to think about on this mission and… perhaps we should reconsider our destination.”

“But didn’t you assure me quite recently that I’m in good hands and paws? That I have nothing to worry about on this ride?”

Dargus bit his upper lip. “I did. But that was before I found out you’re my true mate. I would have done all in my power to keep you safe anyway, but with you being sacredly bonded to me… My protective instincts might be on overdrive, endangering the mission and all of us in the process. I can’t be sure, of course, given my lack of experience with a mate, let alone a true–”

“Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me I’m your first girlfriend ever?”

Dargus frowned. “No, I have another female friend: T’kala.”

That amused glint from earlier returned in her eyes, but before he could ask about the reason, Lia spoke again. “You’re offering me a way out, is that it? If I want out of this case you abducted me for, you’ll grant my wish this time around? All because we have matching tattoos?”

His tail began swishing beyond his control. “Do you want out?”

“Well, I wanted out before, but now… Doyouwant me out of the case?”

“No, I believe we will succeed together, but… The decision should be yours as well.”

“And why is that?” Her eyes bore into his, allowing nothing to remain hidden between them.

And that is how it should be between true mates. “Because we’re a single unit now. The decisions have to be taken jointly.”

“My opinion matters as much as yours?”

Dargus had the feeling this was a test and he was about to fail, but all he could do was continue to speak truthfully. “Yes, Lia.”

Her shoulders visibly relaxed.
