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As well as a wonderful confession. Keep digging your own grave, purple Lucifer!

“Any other rare species you’d like abducted? I’m up to the task, I assure you.”

The devil laughed. “Attractiveandadaptive, I like that. Very well. Nazkians and Bigibigis are next on our to-own-list. My closest associate wishes to expand into Rinivinos as well.”

“Rinivinos?” Dar sounded impressed. “They’re guarded by two neighboring planets! Abducting one incurs not a prison but a death sentence!”

The devil smirked. “You backing out?”

Dargus huffed. “Just making sure you know how much a Rinivinos would cost you. How much would you pay?”

“How does a shuttle loaded with moscovium sound?”

Dar grinned. “Sounds good. Does it matter if I abduct a male, female or child?”

“Children taste best.” The devil licked his black lips with a similarly black tongue. “So tender and fresh… I’d be willing to pay two shuttles for one, but I’ve yet to find a willing hunter. Can I count you in?”

“Please do. Where do I need to sign?”

The devil laughed and patted Dar on the shoulder with enough force to make Dar stagger. “That’s the spirit! My associate will come find you with the specifics once she lands later tonight. For now, all I want are your comms details.”

“Of course. Here–”

“But that’s not allIwant,” Sivi chimed in.

Damn it. I totally forgot about her. Just when we got half of the incriminating info we came for…

“What is it, my sun?”

Sivi smirked in Dar's way. “Darginushere was just promising me something when you joined us, my moon: a dance. By hisslave.”


Dar tugged at Emilia’s chain, and she gladly moved closer, eyes downcast.

“We never reached an agreement on that matter, Sivi,” was his reply. “I told you where I stand.”

“And I told you whereIstand. A dance is all I want.” The look Sivi gave Dar next said he should be happy that was all she was asking for.

But why the hell is she demanding a dance to keep quiet about Dar’s identity? She got a fetish or something?

Emilia looked up from the floor in time to catch Sivi’s boyfriend licking his elongated pointy teeth the color of mustard.

That can’t be good.

“What a wonderful idea, my sun. I’m sure the guests will be happy to see a Terran entertain them.”

“I have not tested my slave’s dancing abilities yet.” Dar’s voice no longer sounded perfectly composed. “I don’t wish to disappoint anyone.”

“Nonsense,” Sivi waved her arm dismissively.

“I might lose potential contracts, if a Terran’s dance is not satisfactory–”

“You might also win contracts, Darginus,” the devil interfered. “Either way, you have a business deal secured with me already, and that’s more than enough for a newbie. The Terranwilldance for my guests.”

Emilia cast Dar a glance. His jaw was tight, his tail was swishing fast, but he nodded.

She wanted to bang her head against a wall; alternatively, headbutt Sivi to wipe the smug look off her green face. How the hell was Emilia going to dance for a palace hall full of flesh-trading extraterrestrials?
