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Correction: how the hell was she going to dance?

It was you who insisted on coming here, Emi. Now you’re going to have to do your part.

Right. So, what if she looked as if she were having convulsions when on a dance floor? It wasn’t like this wasDancing with the Stars. She could do this. No big deal, given what was at stake.

Sivi clapped her six fingers together excitedly. “Ah, what a treat! Let’s get the Terran on a platform for all to see, I can’t wait.”

Well, here’s hoping intergalactic criminals dig the Chicken Dance.



Dargus thought he could keep it together… until a levitating platform raised his true mate to the level of the gilded cages and everyone’s gazes lifted to her.

He was a tuft hair’s breath away from roaring like a maddened Luvian and throwing himself into an eye-scratching spree. The territorial instinct of his kind was well-known across the galaxy, and when a true mate was involved, it knew no reason, no control, no boundaries.

Lia ismine.A priceless jewel to be cherished, not ogled like a piece of meat by lowlives who don’t deserve to breathe the same oxygen as her!

Cubbie squeaked in his arms, and Dargus realized he was squeezing his rabbisaurus in a desperate attempt to keep his head in the game. To stay grounded, his instincts reigned in. That Cubbie was his emotional support pet had been a lie… until now.

Now I know why Bargus doesn’t allow T’kala to dance for others, even though performing brings a smile to her face.

A smile was not what Lia had on her pale face at the moment. She looked terrified, and Dargus knew in his heart she wasn’t faking it. His true mate was trembling in wait for the music to start playing, arms crossed over her middle, and there was nothing he could do to help.

You brought her here, you fool! With no experience, no preparation for the mission, no backup. If you get out of here in one piece, she will be in her full right to dump you. This is all your fault.

“She is a sight to behold, mhmm.”

Dargus dug his tusks into his upper lip. He had to thank Sivi for reminding him he wasn’t entirely to blame for what Lia was currently experiencing. The Rana he had arrested for ship theft several years back by using theDickionand himself as bait, was not going to get away with a short prison sentence this time. He’d make sure of it.

First you need to control yourself during the dance. Otherwise you’ll give Sivi exactly what she wants: proof that Lia is not your slave but your true mate. That you haven’t actually abducted a Terran, which makes you a fraud. They’ll take Lia from you then.

“No,” he growled low before he could help it.

“No? You don’t find the Terran attractive?”

“I was talking to my pet.” He forced his gaze away from Lia and gave Sivi a warning look while her partner was busy talking to someone. “The rabbisaurus is eager to play with your soft bones. You better pray to the Three for him to behave. Do not provoke him.”

The Rana’s eyes widened a fraction before she managed to school her features. “I see.”

“Letting this go would be for the best.”

Loud music began playing in that moment, preventing him from hearing was Sivi’s answer was. Whether she would try to expose him or not would become clear after Lia’s dance.

Dargus returned his attention to his pumpkin, who was hesitantly swaying to the lively music. The tune was a bit repetitive, but as the song progressed it became clear why Lia had requested precisely this one to be found on the intergalactic web.

Named after a Terran animal that laid eggs, it was the most mesmerizing dance he had ever watched. The way his true mate shook her elbows, gyrated her wide hips, and shook her generous bottom to the rhythm was pure seduction. The clapping of her hands four times in between those moves made many in the hall clap in support. And when she stepped from side to side, each time with one long leg extended in front of the other?Resplendent.

Each time Lia repeated the whole sequence, the clapping of the crowd grew louder, making her more confident in her moves. Gone were her fear and insecurity. No one could take their eyes off her, Dargus included, which helped him remain a master of his instincts. Cubbie softly chirping in unison with the music helped as well.

Then the song ended, and the hall exploded in ovations. Panting and with cheeks a lovely shade of red, his true mate sought him in the front line. She smiled when she met his approving gaze.

That’s right, my pumpkin. You, who claimed you can’t dance, blew my tail away.

He moved quickly towards the lowering platform to get Lia back beside him, before anyone got any ideas.

Luchinfer got there first. The most evil and vile creature on the asteroid took Lia’s hand to help her off the platform.
