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“Of course I would come.” I smile. Despite everything, seeing him makes my heart feel lighter.

“It’s freezing out here.” He rubs his hands together. He’s only wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He doesn’t have on gloves like me.

“Do you want to turn on the fire pit?” I ask and glance back at the house. The windows are dark. There were no lights on when I tiptoed downstairs. We could probably get away with it.

“Too risky,” Bo says. “Can’t stay long anyway. I don’t want you to get into any more trouble on my account.”

“I’m not worried.” Yet, I bite down on my lip.

“You are,” he says softly. His breath puffs in the air. “You can fix your relationship with your dad.”

“You can too.” I step closer. “Your dad didn’t seem too mad.”

“He was beyond mad.” Bo snorts derisively. “He’s given up on me. He thinks I’m a lost cause. He’s probably right.”

“He’s wrong.” I reach for Bo’s hand. “Completely wrong.” My fingers are encased in wool, but I grasp his hand firmly.

“I’m glad you think so.” He sighs. “I’m going to miss you.”

We stare at each other. His gray-green eyes are darker like I feel, knowing he’s leaving tomorrow.

“I’ll miss you too,” I manage to say, tears filling my eyes. “But we can talk.” My nose stings, and I sniff. “Only not on my phone.”

“Why not?” He tilts his head.

“My dad took it away as punishment. No reading for one week, and I can’t have my phone back for two weeks.”

“Sorry.” He shakes his head. “You’ve gotten into a lot of trouble because of me.”

“It’s okay.”

What I mean is that he’s worth it. But he’s the first real friend I’ve had aside from Harmony. I’m afraid to share something that heavy.

“We’ll online chat,” he says. “I’ll play my guitar for you.”

“I’d love that.” My eyes brighten. “I can read more stories to you.”

“Stories and music sound nice.” He nods. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“I wish I could see you in person.” I glance away. Vancouver is too far.

He squeezes my fingers. “We’ll make it happen somehow.”

“I don’t know how.” I glance back at him. “With our dads so disapproving.”

“This is between you and me.” He searches my eyes. “No one else gets a say. No one comes between us. Not even our dads.”

“Promise?” I whisper.

“Whoa.” His attention suddenly shifts. “Look at that.” He points with his free hand, and I turn.

“Beautiful.” I watch a shooting star blaze across the night sky.

“Yeah,” Bo whispers. “Beautiful is the perfect word.”

I turn around, but he’s not looking at the sky. He is staring at me wearing an expression I’ve never seen before.

“I promise that I will always be there for you if you need me.” His eyes are brighter than the blanket of glistening snow.

“I’m here for you too,” I say solemnly. “I promise.”

With our hands joined, our gazes locked, and a shooting star over our heads, our promises to each other seem unbreakable. But are they?
